This project is trying to implement convex hull by using Graham's Scan Algorithm.
Given a group of points, the set of convex hull is the smallest convex polygon that contain all the points. The example and the result of the program show as below:
File name:
Command line: python
- the green dots are random points and the blue line is the "convex hull" of the points
- the corner with no green dot is the start points, because for image the origin of coordinates
is on the top-left. Is the same as to find the bottommost + leftmost in the Coordinate System.
Time Complexity: O(nlogn)
The process demo of Graham's scann show as below (from Wikipedia)
(a) Find the start points: This project find the (smallest x, smallest y) as start points.
(b) Sort the points: This project calculate angle(theta) to sort the points, if points have same angle use distance to sort.
NOTE: any sorting algorithm can apply to this part, this project using merge sort.
* time complexity O(nlogn)
(a) Select last two points(P1, P2) in convex hull and a points(P3).
(b) If (P2[0]-P1[0]) * (P3[1]-P1[1]) - (P2[1]P1[1]) * (P3[0]-P1[0]) <= 0, P2 is not in convex hull.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Author: Hank Tsou
- Contact: