This repo is archived since April 2024.
Future changes to this repo can be found at
Free open information (CC0) about nature on planet earth.
We believe that data about our natural world should be open to the general public, not only for a selection of scientists or use-cases (which is the case at Macaulay Library and others).
This library aims to provide free to use information about all living species, starting with a royalty free image of each bird species.
Click here to download the latest archive of all images.
Interested in collaborating? Create a ticket on this repo or start using the FaunaMap app in the Google PlayStore or via
The images are submitted by FaunaMap users or obtained from public sources (for example the Flickr API with a Public Domain Mark
and Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
license filter).
Changes on this repo are made automatically, so we cannot offer a full 100% guarantee that all images are in fact CC0. If you know about any copyright infringements please create a ticket on this repo and we will take action as soon as possible.