This bundle is a bridge between SimpleBus and mq2php. It could be used together with the SimpleBusAsynchronousBundle to make the asynchronous messages independent of a cron job to consume the messages. Instead we utilize the power of PHP-FPM to schedule workload and resources.
We do not want to run a cron command to consume messages from the queue because of two reasons. It takes a lot of computer resources to create a new thread and if we only do one task there will be a lot of overhead. The second reason is that we want to be able to do resource scheduling. With a cronjob we say "Consume this message at the next minute no matter your current load". Instead we would like to do something like: "Consume this message as soon as possible".
The solution to these problems is nothing new. It is actually exact the problems PHP-FPM is solving. We just need a way to pull messages from the message queue and give those to PHP-FPM.
This is where mq2php comes in. It is a Java application that will run in the background. Java is preferred because it is build to run for ever. (Compared with PHP that should never be running for more than 30 seconds.)
Fetch mq2php.jar version 0.5.0 or above and start the application with:
java -Dexecutor=fastcgi -DmessageQueue=rabbitmq -DqueueNames=asynchronous_commands,asynchronous_events -jar mq2php.jar
You should consider using the init script when you using it on the production server.
Install and enable this bundle
composer require happyr/mq2php-bundle
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Happyr\Mq2phpBundle\HappyrMq2phpBundle(),
new SimpleBus\AsynchronousBundle\SimpleBusAsynchronousBundle(),
// config.yml
connection: default
exchange_options: { name: 'asynchronous_commands', type: direct }
queue_options: { name: 'asynchronous_commands' }
connection: default
exchange_options: { name: 'asynchronous_events', type: direct }
queue_options: { name: 'asynchronous_events' }
producer_service_id: old_sound_rabbit_mq.asynchronous_commands_producer
producer_service_id: old_sound_rabbit_mq.asynchronous_events_producer
enabled: true
command_queue: 'asynchronous_commands' # The name of the RabbitMQ queue for commands
event_queue: 'asynchronous_events' # The name of the RabbitMQ queue for events
fastcgi_host: localhost
fastcgi_port: 9000
dispatch_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/dispatch-message.php"
If you are not using fastcgi (eg PHP-FPM) you may use HTTP.
When debugging you may want to use the shell executor. This will require more CPU resources by mq2php since starting a new process to for each message is heavy.
dispatch_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/dispatch-message.php"
If you want to be sure that your message is valid and from your application you should define a secret key. This key is used to hash the message and then verify the hash on the receiving end. If you are using multiple applications you should make sure they all have the same secret key.
secret_key: '4e10upv918856xxp7g9c'
In the SimpleBus documentation you may find that all events will be handled synchronous then asynchronous. That means that for every event your application dispatches there will be an async message. If you want to reduce the number of messages you may configure the SimpleBus AsyncBundle to only handle those events that are marked as asynchronous.
strategy: 'predefined'