CSS In Pure Nim π΄
You can use CSS in pure Nim now π
Here is example
var myCss = buildStyle:
# Translates into @import url(...)
import url("path/to/font")
# Translates into .myClass
class myClass:
color: {{nimVariable}}
background-color: {{otherNimVariable}}
# Translates into #myId
id myId:
color: red
# Translates into body
tag body:
color: white
background: rgb(33, 33, 33)
# Translates into @keyframes
@keyframes animation:
0: # translates into 0%
opacity: 0
tranform: translateX(-150.px)
100: # translates into 100%
opacity: 1
transform: translateX(0.px)
# Translates into @media ...
@media screen and (min-width: 900.px):
tag article:
padding: 1.rem 3.rem
# Translates into button:hover
color: red
@supports (display: flex):
@media screen and (min-width: 900.px):
tag article:
display: flex