- This project is based on Full stack web development.
- Front End Tools - HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap
- Back End Tools - Node.js, Express, MongoDB
- It is a website designed for my college Chandigarh University (CU).
- Since there is no such platform regarding the notifications of upcoming and ongoing events, so we developed a website named CU- EMS where all events and other things will be updated and events will be managed.
- Clone the repository into your local system
- Start your mongo and mongoDB from the WIndows Powershell
- Open VS Code in the folder and in it open a new terminal
- Now in VS Code open the mernbackend directory using the following command :
cd mernbackend
npm run dev
[nodemon] 2.0.7 [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs` [nodemon] watching path(s): *.* [nodemon] watching extensions: js,hbs [nodemon] starting `node src/app.js` Server is running at port no. 3000 Connection successfull