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Alexander Hartmann edited this page Nov 9, 2016 · 11 revisions

Item ID list

Item types

  • Pokeballs
    • 1- 16
    • 492-500
    • 576
  • Medicine
    • 17-54
    • 134
    • 504
    • 565-570
    • 592
    • 645
    • 708-709
  • Battle Items
    • 55-69
  • Collectibles
    • 70 - 75
    • 99 -105
    • 111
  • Usables
    • 76- 85
    • 107-110
  • Hold
    • 106
    • 112
    • 116-119
    • 135-136
  • Filler(???)
    • 113-115
    • 120-133
    • 426-427
  • Letters(stubbed?)
    • 137-148
  • Berrys
    • 149-212
    • 470
    • 686-688
  • Sun & moon
    • 776-920

Item IDs

ID name German name ItemCategory XY ORAS
001 masterball Meisterball pokeball (✓) (✓)
002 ultraball Hyperball pokeball (✓) (✓)
003 greatball Superball pokeball (✓) (✓)
004 pokeball Pokeball pokeball (✓) (✓)
005 ? Safariball pokeball (✓) (✓)
006 ? Netzball pokeball (✓) (✓)
007 ? Tauchball pokeball (✓) (✓)
008 ? Nestball pokeball (✓) (✓)
009 ? Wiederball pokeball (✓) (✓)
010 ? Timerball pokeball (✓) (✓)
011 ? Luxusball pokeball (✓) (✓)
012 ? Premierball pokeball (✓) (✓)
013 ? Finsterball pokeball (✓) (✓)
014 ? Heilball pokeball (✓) (✓)
015 ? Flottball pokeball (✓) (✓)
016 ? Jubelball pokeball (✓) (✓)
017 ? Trank medicine (✓) (✓)
018 ? Gegengift medicine (✓) (✓)
019 ? Feuerheiler medicine (✓) (✓)
020 ? Eisheiler medicine (✓) (✓)
021 ? Aufwecker medicine (✓) (✓)
022 ? Para-Heiler medicine (✓) (✓)
023 ? Top-Genesung medicine (✓) (✓)
024 ? Top-Trank medicine (✓) (✓)
025 ? Hypertrank medicine (✓) (✓)
026 ? Supertrank medicine (✓) (✓)
027 ? Hyperheiler medicine (✓) (✓)
028 ? Beleber medicine (✓) (✓)
029 ? Top-Beleber medicine (✓) (✓)
030 ? Tafelwasser medicine (✓) (✓)
031 ? Sprudel medicine (✓) (✓)
032 ? Limonade medicine (✓) (✓)
033 ? Kuhmuh-Milch medicine (✓) (✓)
034 ? Energiestaub medicine (✓) (✓)
035 ? Kraftwurzel medicine (✓) (✓)
036 ? Heilpuder medicine (✓) (✓)
037 ? Vitalkraut medicine (✓) (✓)
038 ? Äther medicine (✓) (✓)
039 ? Top-Äther medicine (✓) (✓)
040 ? Elixier medicine (✓) (✓)
041 ? Top-Elixier medicine (✓) (✓)
042 ? Lavakeks medicine (✓) (✓)
043 ? Beerensaft medicine (✓) (✓)
044 ? Zauberasche medicine (✓) (✓)
045 ? KP-Plus medicine (✓) (✓)
046 ? Protein medicine (✓) (✓)
047 ? Eisen medicine (✓) (✓)
048 ? Carbon medicine (✓) (✓)
049 ? Kalzium medicine (✓) (✓)
050 ? Sonderbonbon medicine (✓) (✓)
051 ? AP-Plus medicine (✓) (✓)
052 ? Zink medicine (✓) (✓)
053 ? AP-Top medicine (✓) (✓)
054 ? Specialität medicine (✓) (✓)
055 ? Megablock battleItem (✓) (✓)
056 ? Angriffplus battleItem (✓) (✓)
057 ? X-Angriff battleItem (✓) (✓)
058 ? X-Abwehr battleItem (✓) (✓)
059 ? X-Tempo battleItem (✓) (✓)
060 ? X-Treffer battleItem (✓) (✓)
061 ? X-Spezial battleItem (✓) (✓)
062 ? X-SpezialVer battleItem (✓) (✓)
063 ? Pokepuppe battleItem (✓) (✓)
064 ? Eneco-Rute battleItem (✓) (✓)
065 ? Blaue Flöte battleItem (✓) (✓)
066 ? Gelbe Flöte battleItem (✓) (✓)
067 ? Rote Flöte battleItem (✓) (✓)
068 ? Schw. Flöte battleItem (✓) (✓)
069 ? Weiße Flöte battleItem (✓) (✓)
070 ? Küstensalz collectibles (✓) (✓)
071 ? Küstenschale collectibles (✓) (✓)
072 ? Purpurstück collectibles (✓) (✓)
073 ? Indigostück collectibles (✓) (✓)
074 ? Gelbstück collectibles (✓) (✓)
075 ? Grünstück collectibles (✓) (✓)
076 ? Superschutz usables (✓) (✓)
077 ? Top-Schutz usables (✓) (✓)
078 ? Flucktseil usables (✓) (✓)
079 ? Schutz usables (✓) (✓)
080 ? Sonnenstein usables (✓) (✓)
081 ? Mondstein usables (✓) (✓)
082 ? Feuerstein usables (✓) (✓)
083 ? Donnerstein usables (✓) (✓)
084 ? Wasserstein usables (✓) (✓)
085 ? Blattstein usables (✓) (✓)
086 ? Minipilz collectibles (✓) (✓)
087 ? Riesenpilz collectibles (✓) (✓)
088 ? Perle collectibles (✓) (✓)
089 ? Riesenperle collectibles (✓) (✓)
090 ? Sternenstaub collectibles (✓) (✓)
091 ? Sternenstück collectibles (✓) (✓)
092 ? Nugget collectibles (✓) (✓)
093 ? Herzschuppe collectibles (✓) (✓)
094 ? Honig usables (✓) (✓)
095 ? Wachsmulch usables (✓) (✓)
096 ? Feuchtmulch usables (✓) (✓)
097 ? Stabilmulch usables (✓) (✓)
098 ? Neumulch usables (✓) (✓)
099 ? Wurzelfossiel collectibles (✓) (✓)
100 ? Klauenfossil collectibles (✓) (✓)
101 ? Helixfossil collectibles (✓) (✓)
102 ? Domfossiel collectibles (✓) (✓)
103 ? Albernstein collectibles (✓) (✓)
104 ? Panzerfossiel collectibles (✓) (✓)
105 ? Kopffossiel collectibles (✓) (✓)
106 ? Steinknochen hold (✓) (✓)
107 ? Leuchtstein usables (✓) (✓)
108 ? Finsterstein usables (✓) (✓)
109 ? Funkelstein usables (✓) (✓)
110 ? Ovaler Stein usables (✓) (✓)
111 ? Spiritkern collectibles (✓) (✓)
112 ? Platinum-Orb hold (✓) (✓)
113 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
114 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
115 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
116 ? Aquamodul hold (✓) (✓)
117 ? Blitzmodul hold (✓) (✓)
118 ? Flammenmodul hold (✓) (✓)
119 ? Gefriermodul hold (✓) (✓)
120 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
121 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
122 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
123 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
124 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
125 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
126 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
127 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
128 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
129 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
130 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
131 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
132 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
133 ? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
134 ? Herzkonfekt medicine (✓) (✓)
135 ? Adamant-Orb hold (✓) (✓)
136 ? Weiß-Orb hold (✓) (✓)
137 ? Grußbrief letter (✓) (✓)
138 ? Faiblebrief letter (✓) (✓)
139 ? Einladebrief letter (✓) (✓)
140 ? Dankesbrief letter (✓) (✓)
141 ? Fragebrief letter (✓) (✓)
142 ? Insiderbrief letter (✓) (✓)
143 ? Rückbrief letter (✓) (✓)
144 ? Brückbrieg H letter (✓) (✓)
145 ? Brückbrief M letter (✓) (✓)
146 ? Brückbrief Z letter (✓) (✓)
147 ? Brückbrief D letter (✓) (✓)
148 ? Brückbrief W letter (✓) (✓)
149 ? Amrenabeere berry (✓) (✓)
150 ? Maronbeere berry (✓) (✓)
151 ? Pirsifbeere berry (✓) (✓)
152 ? Fragiabeere berry (✓) (✓)
153 ? Wilbirbeere berry (✓) (✓)
154 ? Jonagobeere berry (✓) (✓)
155 ? Sinelbeere berry (✓) (✓)
156 ? Persimbeere berry (✓) (✓)
157 ? Prunusbeere berry (✓) (✓)
158 ? Tsitrubeere berry (✓) (✓)
159 ? Giefebeere berry (✓) (✓)
160 ? Wikibeere berry (✓) (✓)
161 ? Magobeere berry (✓) (✓)
162 ? Gauvebeere berry (✓) (✓)
163 ? Yapabeere berry (✓) (✓)
164 ? Himmihbeere berry (✓) (✓)
165 ? Morbbeere berry (✓) (✓)
166 ? Nanabbeere berry (✓) (✓)
167 ? Nirbebeere berry (✓) (✓)
168 ? Sananabeere berry (✓) (✓)
169 ? Granabeere berry (✓) (✓)
170 ? Setangbeere berry (✓) (✓)
171 ? Qualotbeere berry (✓) (✓)
172 ? Honmelbeere berry (✓) (✓)
173 ? Labrusbeere berry (✓) (✓)
174 ? Tamotbeere berry (✓) (✓)
175 ? Saimbeere berry (✓) (✓)
176 ? Magostbeere berry (✓) (✓)
177 ? Rabutabeere berry (✓) (✓)
178 ? Tronzibeere berry (✓) (✓)
179 ? Kiwanbeere berry (✓) (✓)
180 ? Pallmbeere berry (✓) (✓)
181 ? Wasmelbeere berry (✓) (✓)
182 ? Durinbeere berry (✓) (✓)
183 ? Myrtilbeere berry (✓) (✓)
184 ? Koakobeere berry (✓) (✓)
185 ? Foepasbeere berry (✓) (✓)
186 ? Kerzalbeere berry (✓) (✓)
187 ? Grindobeere berry (✓) (✓)
188 ? Kiroyabeere berry (✓) (✓)
189 ? Rospelbeere berry (✓) (✓)
190 ? Grarzbeere berry (✓) (✓)
191 ? Schukebeere berry (✓) (✓)
192 ? Kobabeere berry (✓) (✓)
193 ? Pyapabeere berry (✓) (✓)
194 ? Tanigabeere berry (✓) (✓)
195 ? Chiaribeere berry (✓) (✓)
196 ? Zitarzbeere berry (✓) (✓)
197 ? Terirobeere berry (✓) (✓)
198 ? Burleobeere berry (✓) (✓)
199 ? Babiribeere berry (✓) (✓)
200 ? Latchibeerel berry (✓) (✓)
201 ? Lydzibeere berry (✓) (✓)
202 ? Linganbeere berry (✓) (✓)
203 ? Salkabeere berry (✓) (✓)
204 ? Tahaybeere berry (✓) (✓)
205 ? Apikobeere berry (✓) (✓)
206 ? Lansatbeere berry (✓) (✓)
207 ? Krambobeere berry (✓) (✓)
208 ? Enigmabeere berry (✓) (✓)
209 ? Wunfrubeere berry (✓) (✓)
210 ? Eipfelbeere berry (✓) (✓)
211 ? Jabocabeere berry (✓) (✓)
212 ? Roselbeere berry (✓) (✓)
213 Bright Powder items (✓) (✓)
214 White Herb items (✓) (✓)
215 Macho Brace items (✓) (✓)
216 Exp. Share keyItems (✓) (✓)
217 Quick Claw items (✓) (✓)
218 Soothe Bell items (✓) (✓)
219 Mental Herb items (✓) (✓)
220 Choice Band items (✓) (✓)
221 King's Rock items (✓) (✓)
222 Silver Powder items (✓) (✓)
223 Amulet Coin items (✓) (✓)
224 Cleanse Tag items (✓) (✓)
225 Soul Dew items (✓) (✓)
226 Deep Sea Tooth items (✓) (✓)
227 Deep Sea Scale items (✓) (✓)
228 Smoke Ball items (✓) (✓)
229 Everstone items (✓) (✓)
230 Focus Band items (✓) (✓)
231 Lucky Egg items (✓) (✓)
232 Scope Lens items (✓) (✓)
233 Metal Coat items (✓) (✓)
234 Leftovers items (✓) (✓)
235 Dragon Scale items (✓) (✓)
236 Light Ball items (✓) (✓)
237 Soft Sand items (✓) (✓)
238 Hard Stone items (✓) (✓)
239 Miracle Seed items (✓) (✓)
240 Black Glasses items (✓) (✓)
241 Black Belt items (✓) (✓)
242 Magnet items (✓) (✓)
243 Mystic Water items (✓) (✓)
244 Sharp Beak items (✓) (✓)
245 Poison Barb items (✓) (✓)
246 Never-Melt Ice items (✓) (✓)
247 Spell Tag items (✓) (✓)
248 Twisted Spoon items (✓) (✓)
249 Charcoal items (✓) (✓)
250 Dragon Fang items (✓) (✓)
251 Silk Scarf items (✓) (✓)
252 Up-Grade items (✓) (✓)
253 Shell Bell items (✓) (✓)
254 Sea Incense items (✓) (✓)
255 Lax Incense items (✓) (✓)
256 Lucky Punch items (✓) (✓)
257 Metal Powder items (✓) (✓)
258 Thick Club items (✓) (✓)
259 Stick items (✓) (✓)
260 Red Scarf items (✓) (✓)
261 Blue Scarf items (✓) (✓)
262 Pink Scarf items (✓) (✓)
263 Green Scarf items (✓) (✓)
264 Yellow Scarf items (✓) (✓)
265 Wide Lens items (✓) (✓)
266 Muscle Band items (✓) (✓)
267 Wise Glasses items (✓) (✓)
268 Expert Belt items (✓) (✓)
269 Light Clay items (✓) (✓)
270 Life Orb items (✓) (✓)
271 Power Herb items (✓) (✓)
272 Toxic Orb items (✓) (✓)
273 Flame Orb items (✓) (✓)
274 Quick Powder items (✓) (✓)
275 Focus Sash items (✓) (✓)
276 Zoom Lens items (✓) (✓)
277 Metronome items (✓) (✓)
278 Iron Ball items (✓) (✓)
279 Lagging Tail items (✓) (✓)
280 Destiny Knot items (✓) (✓)
281 Black Sludge items (✓) (✓)
282 Icy Rock items (✓) (✓)
283 Smooth Rock items (✓) (✓)
284 Heat Rock items (✓) (✓)
285 Damp Rock items (✓) (✓)
286 Grip Claw items (✓) (✓)
287 Choice Scarf items (✓) (✓)
288 Sticky Barb items (✓) (✓)
289 Power Bracer items (✓) (✓)
290 Power Belt items (✓) (✓)
291 Power Lens items (✓) (✓)
292 Power Band items (✓) (✓)
293 Power Anklet items (✓) (✓)
294 Power Weight items (✓) (✓)
295 Shed Shell items (✓) (✓)
296 Big Root items (✓) (✓)
297 Choice Specs items (✓) (✓)
298 Flame Plate items (✓) (✓)
299 Splash Plate items (✓) (✓)
300 Zap Plate items (✓) (✓)
301 Meadow Plate items (✓) (✓)
302 Icicle Plate items (✓) (✓)
303 Fist Plate items (✓) (✓)
304 Toxic Plate items (✓) (✓)
305 Earth Plate items (✓) (✓)
306 Sky Plate items (✓) (✓)
307 Mind Plate items (✓) (✓)
308 Insect Plate items (✓) (✓)
309 Stone Plate items (✓) (✓)
310 Spooky Plate items (✓) (✓)
311 Draco Plate items (✓) (✓)
312 Dread Plate items (✓) (✓)
313 Iron Plate items (✓) (✓)
314 Odd Incense items (✓) (✓)
315 Rock Incense items (✓) (✓)
316 Full Incense items (✓) (✓)
317 Wave Incense items (✓) (✓)
318 Rose Incense items (✓) (✓)
319 Luck Incense items (✓) (✓)
320 Pure Incense items (✓) (✓)
321 Protector items (✓) (✓)
322 Electirizer items (✓) (✓)
323 Magmarizer items (✓) (✓)
324 Dubious Disc items (✓) (✓)
325 Reaper Cloth items (✓) (✓)
326 Razor Claw items (✓) (✓)
327 Razor Fang items (✓) (✓)
328 TM01 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
329 TM02 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
330 TM03 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
331 TM04 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
332 TM05 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
333 TM06 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
334 TM07 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
335 TM08 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
336 TM09 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
337 TM10 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
338 TM11 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
339 TM12 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
340 TM13 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
341 TM14 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
342 TM15 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
343 TM16 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
344 TM17 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
345 TM18 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
346 TM19 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
347 TM20 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
348 TM21 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
349 TM22 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
350 TM23 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
351 TM24 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
352 TM25 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
353 TM26 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
354 TM27 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
355 TM28 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
356 TM29 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
357 TM30 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
358 TM31 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
359 TM32 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
360 TM33 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
361 TM34 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
362 TM35 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
363 TM36 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
364 TM37 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
365 TM38 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
366 TM39 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
367 TM40 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
368 TM41 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
369 TM42 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
370 TM43 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
371 TM44 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
372 TM45 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
373 TM46 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
374 TM47 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
375 TM48 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
376 TM49 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
377 TM50 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
378 TM51 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
379 TM52 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
380 TM53 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
381 TM54 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
382 TM55 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
383 TM56 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
384 TM57 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
385 TM58 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
386 TM59 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
387 TM60 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
388 TM61 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
389 TM62 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
390 TM63 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
391 TM64 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
392 TM65 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
393 TM66 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
394 TM67 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
395 TM68 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
396 TM69 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
397 TM70 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
398 TM71 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
399 TM72 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
400 TM73 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
401 TM74 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
402 TM75 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
403 TM76 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
404 TM77 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
405 TM78 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
406 TM79 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
407 TM80 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
408 TM81 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
409 TM82 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
410 TM83 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
411 TM84 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
412 TM85 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
413 TM86 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
414 TM87 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
415 TM88 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
416 TM89 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
417 TM90 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
418 TM91 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
419 TM92 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
420 HM01 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
421 HM02 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
422 HM03 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
423 HM04 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
424 HM05 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
425 HM06 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
426 ??? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
427 ??? ??? filler (✓) (✓)
428 Explorer Kit keyItems (✓) (✓)
429 Loot Sack keyItems (✓) (✓)
430 Rule Book keyItems (✓) (✓)
431 Poké Radar keyItems (✓) (✓)
432 Point Card keyItems (✓) (✓)
433 Journal keyItems (✓) (✓)
434 Seal Case keyItems (✓) (✓)
435 Fashion Case keyItems (✓) (✓)
436 Seal Bag keyItems (✓) (✓)
437 Pal Pad keyItems (✓) (✓)
438 Works Key keyItems (✓) (✓)
439 Old Charm keyItems (✓) (✓)
440 Galactic Key keyItems (✓) (✓)
441 Red Chain keyItems (✓) (✓)
442 Town Map keyItems (✓) (✓)
443 Vs. Seeker keyItems (✓) (✓)
444 Coin Case keyItems (✓) (✓)
445 Old Rod keyItems (✓) (✓)
446 Good Rod keyItems (✓) (✓)
447 Super Rod keyItems (✓) (✓)
448 Sprayduck keyItems (✓) (✓)
449 Poffin Case keyItems (✓) (✓)
450 Bicycle keyItems (✓) (✓)
451 Suite Key keyItems (✓) (✓)
452 Oak's Letter keyItems (✓) (✓)
453 Lunar Wing keyItems (✓) (✓)
454 Member Card keyItems (✓) (✓)
455 Azure Flute keyItems (✓) (✓)
456 S.S. Ticket keyItems (✓) (✓)
457 Contest Pass keyItems (✓) (✓)
458 Magma Stone keyItems (✓) (✓)
459 Parcel keyItems (✓) (✓)
460 Coupon 1 keyItems (✓) (✓)
461 Coupon 2 keyItems (✓) (✓)
462 Coupon 3 keyItems (✓) (✓)
463 Storage Key keyItems (✓) (✓)
464 Secret Potion keyItems (✓) (✓)
465 Vs. Recorder keyItems (✓) (✓)
466 Gracidea keyItems (✓) (✓)
467 Secret Key keyItems (✓) (✓)
468 Apricorn Box keyItems (✓) (✓)
469 Unown Report keyItems (✓) (✓)
470 Berry Pots keyItems (✓) (✓)
471 Dowsing Machine keyItems (✓) (✓)
472 Blue Card keyItems (✓) (✓)
473 Slowpoke Tail keyItems (✓) (✓)
474 Clear Bell keyItems (✓) (✓)
475 Card Key keyItems (✓) (✓)
476 Basement Key keyItems (✓) (✓)
477 Squirt Bottle keyItems (✓) (✓)
478 Red Scale keyItems (✓) (✓)
479 Lost Item keyItems (✓) (✓)
480 Pass keyItems (✓) (✓)
481 Machine Part keyItems (✓) (✓)
482 Silver Wing keyItems (✓) (✓)
483 Rainbow Wing keyItems (✓) (✓)
484 Mystery Egg keyItems (✓) (✓)
485 Red Apricorn Apricorn (✓) (✓)
486 Yellow Apricorn Apricorn (✓) (✓)
487 Blue Apricorn Apricorn (✓) (✓)
488 Green Apricorn Apricorn (✓) (✓)
489 Pink Apricorn Apricorn (✓) (✓)
490 White Apricorn Apricorn (✓) (✓)
491 Black Apricorn Apricorn (✓) (✓)
492 Fast Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
493 Level Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
494 Lure Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
495 Heavy Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
496 Love Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
497 Friend Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
498 Moon Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
499 Sport Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
500 Park Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
501 Photo Album keyItems (✓) (✓)
502 GB Sounds keyItems (✓) (✓)
503 Tidal Bell keyItems (✓) (✓)
504 Rage Candy Bar medicine (✓) (✓)
505 Data Card 01 keyItems (✓) (✓)
506 Data Card 02 keyItems (✓) (✓)
507 Data Card 03 keyItems (✓) (✓)
508 Data Card 04 keyItems (✓) (✓)
509 Data Card 05 keyItems (✓) (✓)
510 Data Card 06 keyItems (✓) (✓)
511 Data Card 07 keyItems (✓) (✓)
512 Data Card 08 keyItems (✓) (✓)
513 Data Card 09 keyItems (✓) (✓)
514 Data Card 10 keyItems (✓) (✓)
515 Data Card 11 keyItems (✓) (✓)
516 Data Card 12 keyItems (✓) (✓)
517 Data Card 13 keyItems (✓) (✓)
518 Data Card 14 keyItems (✓) (✓)
519 Data Card 15 keyItems (✓) (✓)
520 Data Card 16 keyItems (✓) (✓)
521 Data Card 17 keyItems (✓) (✓)
522 Data Card 18 keyItems (✓) (✓)
523 Data Card 19 keyItems (✓) (✓)
524 Data Card 20 keyItems (✓) (✓)
525 Data Card 21 keyItems (✓) (✓)
526 Data Card 22 keyItems (✓) (✓)
527 Data Card 23 keyItems (✓) (✓)
528 Data Card 24 keyItems (✓) (✓)
529 Data Card 25 keyItems (✓) (✓)
530 Data Card 26 keyItems (✓) (✓)
531 Data Card 27 keyItems (✓) (✓)
532 Jade Orb keyItems (✓) (✓)
533 Lock Capsule keyItems (✓) (✓)
534 Red Orb keyItems (✓) (✓)
535 Blue Orb keyItems (✓) (✓)
536 Enigma Stone keyItems (✓) (✓)
537 Prism Scale items (✓) (✓)
538 Eviolite items (✓) (✓)
539 Float Stone items (✓) (✓)
540 Rocky Helmet items (✓) (✓)
541 Air Balloon items (✓) (✓)
542 Red Card items (✓) (✓)
543 Ring Target items (✓) (✓)
544 Binding Band items (✓) (✓)
545 Absorb Bulb items (✓) (✓)
546 Cell Battery items (✓) (✓)
547 Eject Button items (✓) (✓)
548 Fire Gem items (✓) (✓)
549 Water Gem items (✓) (✓)
550 Electric Gem items (✓) (✓)
551 Grass Gem items (✓) (✓)
552 Ice Gem items (✓) (✓)
553 Fighting Gem items (✓) (✓)
554 Poison Gem items (✓) (✓)
555 Ground Gem items (✓) (✓)
556 Flying Gem items (✓) (✓)
557 Psychic Gem items (✓) (✓)
558 Bug Gem items (✓) (✓)
559 Rock Gem items (✓) (✓)
560 Ghost Gem items (✓) (✓)
561 Dragon Gem items (✓) (✓)
562 Dark Gem items (✓) (✓)
563 Steel Gem items (✓) (✓)
564 Normal Gem items (✓) (✓)
565 Health Wing medicine (✓) (✓)
566 Muscle Wing medicine (✓) (✓)
567 Resist Wing medicine (✓) (✓)
568 Genius Wing medicine (✓) (✓)
569 Clever Wing medicine (✓) (✓)
570 Swift Wing medicine (✓) (✓)
571 Pretty Wing items (✓) (✓)
572 Cover Fossil items (✓) (✓)
573 Plume Fossil items (✓) (✓)
574 Liberty Pass keyItems (✓) (✓)
575 Pass Orb items (✓) (✓)
576 Dream Ball pokeball (✓) (✓)
577 Poké Toy items (✓) (✓)
578 Prop Case keyItems (✓) (✓)
579 Dragon Skull keyItems (✓) (✓)
580 Balm Mushroom items (✓) (✓)
581 Big Nugget items (✓) (✓)
582 Pearl String items (✓) (✓)
583 Comet Shard items (✓) (✓)
584 Relic Copper items (✓) (✓)
585 Relic Silver items (✓) (✓)
586 Relic Gold items (✓) (✓)
587 Relic Vase items (✓) (✓)
588 Relic Band items (✓) (✓)
589 Relic Statue items (✓) (✓)
590 Relic Crown items (✓) (✓)
591 Casteliacone medicine (✓) (✓)
592 Dire Hit 2 (✓) (✓)
593 X Speed 2 (✓) (✓)
594 X Sp. Atk 2 (✓) (✓)
595 X Sp. Def 2 (✓) (✓)
596 X Defense 2 (✓) (✓)
597 X Attack 2 (✓) (✓)
598 X Accuracy 2 (✓) (✓)
599 X Speed 3 (✓) (✓)
600 X Sp. Atk 3 (✓) (✓)
601 X Sp. Def 3 (✓) (✓)
602 X Defense 3 (✓) (✓)
603 X Attack 3 (✓) (✓)
604 X Accuracy 3 (✓) (✓)
605 X Speed 6 (✓) (✓)
606 X Sp. Atk 6 (✓) (✓)
607 X Sp. Def 6 (✓) (✓)
608 X Defense 6 (✓) (✓)
609 X Attack 6 (✓) (✓)
610 X Accuracy 6 (✓) (✓)
611 Ability Urge (✓) (✓)
612 Item Drop (✓) (✓)
613 Item Urge (✓) (✓)
614 Reset Urge (✓) (✓)
615 Dire Hit 3 (✓) (✓)
616 Light Stone keyItems (✓) (✓)
617 Dark Stone keyItems (✓) (✓)
618 TM93 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
619 TM94 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
620 TM95 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
621 Xtransceiver keyItems (✓) (✓)
622 ??? (God Stone) ??? keyItems (✓) (✓)
623 Gram 1 keyItems (✓) (✓)
624 Gram 2 keyItems (✓) (✓)
625 Gram 3 keyItems (✓) (✓)
626 Xtransceiver keyItems (✓) (✓)
627 Medal Box keyItems (✓) (✓)
628 DNA Splicers keyItems (✓) (✓)
629 DNA Splicers keyItems (✓) (✓)
630 Permit keyItems (✓) (✓)
631 Oval Charm keyItems (✓) (✓)
632 Shiny Charm keyItems (✓) (✓)
633 Plasma Card keyItems (✓) (✓)
634 Grubby Hanky keyItems (✓) (✓)
635 Colress Machine keyItems (✓) (✓)
636 Dropped Item keyItems (✓) (✓)
637 Dropped Item keyItems (✓) (✓)
638 Reveal Glass keyItems (✓) (✓)
639 Weakness Policy items (✓) (✓)
640 Assault Vest items (✓) (✓)
641 Holo Caster keyItems (✓) (✓)
642 Prof's Letter keyItems (✓) (✓)
643 Roller Skates keyItems (✓) (✓)
644 Pixie Plate items (✓) (✓)
645 Ability Capsule medicine (✓) (✓)
646 Whipped Dream items (✓) (✓)
647 Sachet items (✓) (✓)
648 Luminous Moss items (✓) (✓)
649 Snowball items (✓) (✓)
650 Safety Goggles items (✓) (✓)
651 Poké Flute keyItems (✓) (✓)
652 Rich Mulch items (✓) (✓)
653 Surprise Mulch items (✓) (✓)
654 Boost Mulch items (✓) (✓)
655 Amaze Mulch items (✓) (✓)
656 Gengarite items (✓) (✓)
657 Gardevoirite items (✓) (✓)
658 Ampharosite items (✓) (✓)
659 Venusaurite items (✓) (✓)
660 Charizardite X items (✓) (✓)
661 Blastoisinite items (✓) (✓)
662 Mewtwonite X items (✓) (✓)
663 Mewtwonite Y items (✓) (✓)
664 Blazikenite items (✓) (✓)
665 Medichamite items (✓) (✓)
666 Houndoominite items (✓) (✓)
667 Aggronite items (✓) (✓)
668 Banettite items (✓) (✓)
669 Tyranitarite items (✓) (✓)
670 Scizorite items (✓) (✓)
671 Pinsirite items (✓) (✓)
672 Aerodactylite items (✓) (✓)
673 Lucarionite items (✓) (✓)
674 Abomasite items (✓) (✓)
675 Kangaskhanite items (✓) (✓)
676 Gyaradosite items (✓) (✓)
677 Absolite items (✓) (✓)
678 Charizardite Y items (✓) (✓)
679 Alakazite items (✓) (✓)
680 Heracronite items (✓) (✓)
681 Mawilite items (✓) (✓)
682 Manectite items (✓) (✓)
683 Garchompite items (✓) (✓)
684 Latiasite items (✓) (✓)
685 Latiosite items (✓) (✓)
686 Roseli Berry berry (✓) (✓)
687 Kee Berry berry (✓) (✓)
688 Maranga Berry berry (✓) (✓)
689 Sprinklotad keyItems (✓) (✓)
690 TM96 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
691 TM97 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
692 TM98 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
693 TM99 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
694 TM100 TM/HM (✓) (✓)
695 Power Plant Pass keyItems (✓) (✓)
696 Mega Ring keyItems (✓) (✓)
697 Intriguing Stone keyItems (✓) (✓)
698 Common Stone keyItems (✓) (✓)
699 Discount Coupon items (✓) (✓)
700 Elevator Key keyItems (✓) (✓)
701 TMV Pass keyItems (✓) (✓)
702 Honor of Kalos keyItems (✓) (✓)
703 Adventure Rules keyItems (✓) (✓)
704 Strange Souvenir items (✓) (✓)
705 Lens Case keyItems (✓) (✓)
706 Travel Trunk keyItems (✓) (✓)
707 Travel Trunk keyItems (✓) (✓)
708 Lumiose Galette medicine (✓) (✓)
709 Shalour Sable medicine (✓) (✓)
710 Jaw Fossil items (✓) (✓)
711 Sail Fossil items (✓) (✓)
712 Looker Ticket keyItems (✓) (✓)
713 Bicycle keyItems (✓) (✓)
714 Holo Caster keyItems (✓) (✓)
715 Fairy Gem items (✓) (✓)
716 Mega Charm keyItems (✓) (✓)
717 Mega Glove keyItems (✓) (✓)
718 Mach Bike keyItems (X) (✓)
719 Acro Bike keyItems (X) (✓)
720 Wailmer Pail keyItems (X) (✓)
721 Devon Parts keyItems (X) (✓)
722 Soot Sack keyItems (X) (✓)
723 Basement Key keyItems (X) (✓)
724 Pokéblock Kit keyItems (X) (✓)
725 Letter keyItems (X) (✓)
726 Eon Ticket keyItems (X) (✓)
727 Scanner keyItems (X) (✓)
728 Go-Goggles keyItems (X) (✓)
729 Meteorite keyItems (X) (✓)
730 Key to Room 1 keyItems (X) (✓)
731 Key to Room 2 keyItems (X) (✓)
732 Key to Room 4 keyItems (X) (✓)
733 Key to Room 6 keyItems (X) (✓)
734 Storage Key keyItems (X) (✓)
735 Devon Scope keyItems (X) (✓)
736 S.S. Ticket keyItems (X) (✓)
737 HM07 TM/HM (X) (✓)
738 Devon Scuba Gear keyItems (X) (✓)
739 Contest Costume keyItems (X) (✓)
740 Contest Costume keyItems (X) (✓)
741 Magma Suit keyItems (X) (✓)
742 Aqua Suit keyItems (X) (✓)
743 Pair of Tickets keyItems (X) (✓)
744 Mega Bracelet keyItems (X) (✓)
745 Mega Pendant keyItems (X) (✓)
746 Mega Glasses keyItems (X) (✓)
747 Mega Anchor keyItems (X) (✓)
748 Mega Stickpin keyItems (X) (✓)
749 Mega Tiara keyItems (X) (✓)
750 Mega Anklet keyItems (X) (✓)
751 Meteorite keyItems (X) (✓)
752 Swampertite items (X) (✓)
753 Sceptilite items (X) (✓)
754 Sablenite items (X) (✓)
755 Altarianite items (X) (✓)
756 Galladite items (X) (✓)
757 Audinite items (X) (✓)
758 Metagrossite items (X) (✓)
759 Sharpedonite items (X) (✓)
760 Slowbronite items (X) (✓)
761 Steelixite items (X) (✓)
762 Pidgeotite items (X) (✓)
763 Glalitite items (X) (✓)
764 Diancite items (X) (✓)
765 Prison Bottle keyItems (X) (✓)
766 Mega Cuff keyItems (X) (✓)
767 Cameruptite items (X) (✓)
768 Lopunnite items (X) (✓)
769 Salamencite items (X) (✓)
770 Beedrillite items (X) (✓)
771 Meteorite keyItems (X) (✓)
772 Meteorite keyItems (X) (✓)
773 Key Stone keyItems (X) (✓)
774 Meteorite Shard keyItems (X) (✓)
775 Eon Flute keyItems (X) (✓)
776 0x307 Normium Z ? (X) (X)
777 Pyrium Z ? (X) (X)
778 Aquium Z ? (X) (X)
779 Voltium Z ? (X) (X)
780 Botanium Z ? (X) (X)
781 Glacium Z ? (X) (X)
782 Batalium Z ? (X) (X)
783 Toxium Z ? (X) (X)
784 Terrium Z ? (X) (X)
785 Aerium Z ? (X) (X)
786 Psium Z ? (X) (X)
787 Insectium Z ? (X) (X)
788 Petrium Z ? (X) (X)
789 Phantomium Z ? (X) (X)
790 Dracium Z ? (X) (X)
791 Noctium Z ? (X) (X)
792 Metallium Z ? (X) (X)
793 Sylphium Z ? (X) (X)
794 Pikachium Z ? (X) (X)
795 Silberkronkorken ? (X) (X)
796 Goldkronkorken ? (X) (X)
797 Z-Ring ? (X) (X)
798 Silvarronium Z ? (X) (X)
799 Fuegronium Z ? (X) (X)
800 0x320 Primarenium Z ? (X) (X)
801 Kapium Z ? (X) (X)
802 Marshadownium Z ? (X) (X)
803 A-Raichinium Z ? (X) (X)
804 Relaxonium Z ? (X) (X)
805 Evolium Z ? (X) (X)
806 Mewnium Z ? (X) (X)
807 Normium Z ? (X) (X)
808 Pyrium Z ? (X) (X)
809 Aquium Z ? (X) (X)
810 Voltinum Z ? (X) (X)
811 Botanium Z ? (X) (X)
812 Glacium Z ? (X) (X)
813 Batalium Z ? (X) (X)
814 Toxium Z ? (X) (X)
815 Terrium Z ? (X) (X)
816 Aerium Z ? (X) (X)
817 Psium Z ? (X) (X)
818 Insectium Z ? (X) (X)
819 Petrium Z ? (X) (X)
820 Phantomium Z ? (X) (X)
821 Dracium Z ? (X) (X)
822 Noctium Z ? (X) (X)
823 Metallium Z ? (X) (X)
824 Sylphium Z ? (X) (X)
825 Pikachium Z ? (X) (X)
826 Silvarronium Z ? (X) (X)
827 Fuegronium Z ? (X) (X)
828 Primarenium Z ? (X) (X)
829 Kapium Z ? (X) (X)
830 Marshadownium Z ? (X) (X)
831 A-Raichunium Z ? (X) (X)
832 Relaxonium Z ? (X) (X)
833 Evolium Z ? (X) (X)
834 Mewnium Z ? (X) (X)
835 Ash-Pikachium Z (multiuse) ? (X) (X)
836 Ash-Pikachium Z ? (X) (X)
837 ??? ? (X) (X)
838 ??? ? (X) (X)
839 ??? ? (X) (X)
840 ??? ? (X) (X)
841 Zutatenbeutel ? (X) (X)
842 Angel ? (X) (X)
843 Maske des Profs ? (X) (X)
844 Festival-Ticket ? (X) (X)
845 Glitzerstein ? (X) (X)
846 Zitterorb ? (X) (X)
847 Zygarde-Würfel ? (X) (X)
848 ??? ? (X) (X)
849 Eisstein ? (X) (X)
850 PokéMobil-Funk ? (X) (X)
851 Ultraball ? (X) (X)
852 Maxi-Malasada ? (X) (X)
853 Roter Nektar ? (X) (X)
854 Gelber Nektar ? (X) (X)
855 Rosa Nektar ? (X) (X)
856 Purpurner Nektar ? (X) (X)
857 Sonnenflöte ? (X) (X)
858 Mondflöte ? (X) (X)
859 ??? ? (X) (X)
860 Seltsame Karte ? (X) (X)
861 ??? ? (X) (X)
862 ??? ? (X) (X)
863 ??? ? (X) (X)
864 ??? ? (X) (X)
865 ??? ? (X) (X)
866 ??? ? (X) (X)
867 ??? ? (X) (X)
868 ??? ? (X) (X)
869 ??? ? (X) (X)
870 ??? ? (X) (X)
871 ??? ? (X) (X)
872 ??? ? (X) (X)
873 ??? ? (X) (X)
874 ??? ? (X) (X)
875 ??? ? (X) (X)
876 ??? ? (X) (X)
877 ??? ? (X) (X)
878 ??? ? (X) (X)
879 Feldbeschichtung ? (X) (X)
880 Schutzpolster ? (X) (X)
881 Elektro-Samen ? (X) (X)
882 Psycho-Samen ? (X) (X)
883 Nebel-Samen ? (X) (X)
884 Gras-Samen ? (X) (X)
885 ??? ? (X) (X)
886 ??? ? (X) (X)
887 ??? ? (X) (X)
888 ??? ? (X) (X)
889 ??? ? (X) (X)
890 ??? ? (X) (X)
891 ??? ? (X) (X)
892 ??? ? (X) (X)
893 ??? ? (X) (X)
894 ??? ? (X) (X)
895 ??? ? (X) (X)
896 ??? ? (X) (X)
897 ??? ? (X) (X)
898 ??? ? (X) (X)
899 ??? ? (X) (X)
900 ??? ? (X) (X)
901 ??? ? (X) (X)
902 ??? ? (X) (X)
903 ??? ? (X) (X)
904 Kampf-Disc ? (X) (X)
905 Flug-Disk ? (X) (X)
906 Gift-Disk ? (X) (X)
907 Boden-Disk ? (X) (X)
908 Gesteins-Disk ? (X) (X)
909 Käfer-Disk ? (X) (X)
910 Geister-Disk ? (X) (X)
911 Stahl-Disk ? (X) (X)
912 Feuer-Disk ? (X) (X)
913 Wasser-Disk ? (X) (X)
914 Planzen-Disk ? (X) (X)
915 Elektro-Disk ? (X) (X)
916 Psycho-Disk ? (X) (X)
917 Eis-Disk ? (X) (X)
918 Drachen-Disk ? (X) (X)
919 Unlicht-Disk ? (X) (X)
920 Feen-Disk ? (X) (X)
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