Meta-learning about Bayesian
1.Few-shot Relation Extraction via Bayesian Meta-learning on Relation Graphs,ICML-2020,[Paper]
2.Conditional Neural Processes,-2018,[Paper]
3.Meta-Learning Probabilistic Inference For Prediction,ICLR-2019[Paper]
4.ALPaCA vs. GP-based Prior Learning: A Comparison between two Bayesian Meta-Learning Algorithms,[Paper]
5.Bayesian Optimization for Developmental Robotics with Meta-Learning by Parameters Bounds Reduction,ICDL-Epirob 2020,[Paper]
6.Gradient-EM Bayesian Meta-learning,[Paper]
Learning to Balance: Bayesian Meta-Learning for Imbalanced and Out-of-distribution Tasks,2020
Bayesian Zero-Shot Learning,ECCV 2020,
Uncertainty in Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning using Variational Inference,2019,
Bayesian Meta-Learning for the Few-Shot Setting via Deep Kernels,NeurIPS 2020,
Learning and Meta-Learning of Stochastic Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Systems from Sparse Measurements,2019,
Statistical Model Aggregation via Parameter Matching,NeurIPS 2019,
Learning from the Past: Continual Meta-Learning via Bayesian Graph Modeling,2019,
PACOH: Bayes-Optimal Meta-Learning with PAC-Guarantees,2020,
PAC-Bayesian Meta-learning with Implicit Prior and Posterior,2020,
Bayesian Online Meta-Learning with Laplace Approximation,2020,
Meta Learning as Bayes Risk Minimization,2020,
Gradient-EM Bayesian Meta-learning,
CS 330: Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning from cs330.stanford [link]