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This work is part of 3cixty project (

In this project, we aim to identify sub-categories for predefined top categories for businesses in the 3cixty dataset using data mining techniques on review text contents.

We started the work with the yelp academic dataset ( and we get inspired from topics tackled by teams in the Yelp Dataset Challenge (

I provided the list of 5000 most common words in english from so you don't need to download it.

You have to install mrjob who lets you write MapReduce jobs in Python 2.6+ and run them on several platforms: $ pip install mrjob.

The 3cixty dataset can be downloaded from by running this sparql query:

				select distinct ?s ?o1 as ?review ?id ?top where {
				 ?s a schema:Review;
				 schema:reviewBody ?o1;
				 schema:itemReviewed ?o.
				 ?o owl:sameAs ?id;
				 locationOnt:businessTypeTop ?top .
				 FILTER ( lang(?o1) = "en" || lang(?o1) = "en-tr" )

PS: You can use 3cixty_dataset_top.json that you find in this repository. It respects the formatting for loading it with python.

The Yelp Academic Dataset is available via this link: Once downloaded, you have to create two sub-datasets (one for reviews and one for businesses). To do so, run this shell commands on your terminal:

	grep 'type": "business' yelp_academic_dataset.json > yelp_businesses.json
	grep 'type": "review' yelp_academic_dataset.json > review_set.json 

#How to run the code?

  1. Clone the content of the SemesterProject repository
  2. Navigate to the directory
  3. Run: $ python
  4. At the prompt type 3cixty or yelp to choose which dataset you will work with.
  5. At the prompt type in a 3cixty or a yelp category of your choice
  6. The results will be output to ‘reviews_data.[category].json’
  7. if you chose Yelp, run: $ python < reviews_data.[category].json > [category].txt if you chose 3cixty, run: $ python < reviews_data.[category].json > [category].txt
  8. Run: $
  9. When asked for the input file choose the output file of the step 7. ( [category].txt )
  10. Enter the tokheim-baker coefficient and wait for clusters to be formed.


This work was inspired by the work done by Ryan Baker and Sam Tokheim from UC Berkley School of Information ( and "Generating Recommendation Dialogs by Extracting Information from User Reviews" done by Dan Jurafsky, Adam Vogel and Kevin Reschke from Stanford University (


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