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Native Sharing calls for OpenFL

This is a simple "Share" API implementation. So far it calls the "Share Intent" on Android, iOS and BlackBerry, a popup on HTML5 and opens sharing URL from Facebook and Twitter on other platforms.

Simple use Example

// This example show a simple sharing of a text using the Share Classs.

import extension.share.Share;

class SimpleExample {
	function new(){
		Share.init(Share.TWITTER); // for non supported targets, we share on Twitter (you can also use Share.FACEBOOK)
		Share.defaultURL=''; // url to add at the end of each share (optional).
		Share.defaultSubject='Try puralax!'; // in case the user choose to share by email, set the subject.
		// Other things you may want to init for non-supported targets
		Share.facebookAppID='1239833828932'; // your facebook APP ID
		Share.defaultFallback=function(url:String){ ... }; // callback function (in case you want to open the share URL yourself).
		Share.facebookRedirectURI=''; // URL to go after sharing on facebook.

	function shareStuff(){
		Share.share('Hi, I\'m testing the OpenFL-Sharing extension!');
		// check the share paremeters to see what you can share using this extension:
		// public static function share(
		//	text:String, // text to share
		//	subject:String=null, // subject in case your user chooses "email"
		//	image:String='', // path to an image you want to share in case you have one
		//	html:String='', // html version of your shared text (android only)
		//	email:String='', // preset email address in case your user chooses "email"
		//	url:String=null, // url to append to the shared text
		//	socialNetwork:String=null, // default social network (for everything but android, ios & blackberry)
		//	fallback:String->Void=null, // function to call when we don't know how to share
		//	bdm:BitmapData = null); // bitmap data object: Will be saved as JPG and shared (ios & android only)

How to Install

haxelib install extension-share


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Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook Inc.


The MIT License (MIT) -

Copyright © 2014 SempaiGames (

Author: Federico Bricker