Introduction Supersonic OpenFL Extension. (Android + iOS /under development/)
More info on Supersonic:
To install this library, you can simply get the library from haxelib like this:
haxelib git
- Please note that you if do haxelib install extension-supersonic, you won't get the last version of the extension, since the extension is bigger than haxelib max allowed package.
Once this is done, you just need to add this to your project.xml
<android target-sdk-version="22" />
<!-- uncomment the lines defining the ad-network SDK that you want to include on your project-->
<!-- NOTE: You don't want to enable all of them: Your project will be weight too much and you
may end-up getting the Android 64K limit error -->
<set name="adcolony-supersonic" />
<set name="admob-supersonic" />
<set name="applovin-supersonic" />
<set name="chartboost-supersonic" />
<set name="facebook-supersonic" />
<set name="flurry-supersonic" />
<set name="hyprmx-supersonic" />
<set name="inmobi-supersonic" />
<set name="mediabrix-supersonic" />
<set name="nativex-supersonic" />
<set name="tapjoy-supersonic" />
<set name="unityads-supersonic" />
<set name="vungle-supersonic" />
<haxelib name="extension-supersonic" />
// This example show a simple example.
import extension.supersonic.Supersonic;
import extension.supersonic.SupersonicEvent;
class SimpleExample {
function new(){
Supersonic.onEvent = onSupersonicEvent;
Supersonic.init('YOUR-APP-KEY'); // should be something like: 5c33ac32
public function onSupersonicEvent(e:SupersonicEvent){
trace("Supersonic Event: type=" + e.type + " | data=" +;
if(e.type == SupersonicEvent.InterstitialInitSuccess){
if(e.type == SupersonicEvent.RewardedVideoAdRewarded){
var pi = e.getPlacementInfo();
if(pi!=null) pi.dump();
function gameOver() {
trace("Interstitial is ready!");
function playRewardedVideo() {
if(Supersonic.isRewardedVideoAvailable() && !Supersonic.isRewardedVideoPlacementCapped("PLACEMENT-NAME")){
trace("Rewarded Video available");
The MIT License (MIT) -
Copyright © 2016 SempaiGames (
Author: Federico Bricker