A web application that allows people like Anas to post questions related to a location and get responses from nearby users, users can see questions posted in relation to their location and they can keep track of their favorites.
- As a user, I can register using my email and my password (keycloak);
- As a user, I can login using my email and my password (keycloak);
- As a user, I can post a question with these attributes title, content, location;
- As a user, I can post an answer to a question;
- As a user, I can display the list of questions sorted by distance from Elasticsearch (include more load for paging using PIT);
- As a user, I can display the list of questions according to suggested terms (elastic search);
- As a user, I can like a question, so that it can be added to my favorites.
Angular, Angular Material, Expressjs, Mongodb, Elasticsearch, Keycloak