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Full-featured shell script interface based on expect and gatttool for Mipow Playbulb BTL201 (and maybe others)


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Note: This project is depracted and won't be maintained anymore. I've written a new API in Python, see mipow-bulbs.

Full-featured shell script interface based on expect and gatttool for Mipow Playbulb. It is (should be compatible) with the following models:

  • Mipow Playbulb Rainbow (BTL200), tested rev. BTL200_v7 / Application version (no candle effect)
  • Mipow Playbulb Smart (BTL201), tested rev. BTL201_v2 / Application version (no candle effect)
  • Mipow Playbulb Spot Mesh (BTL203), tested rev. BTL203M_V1.6 / Application version (no candle effect, remembers whole state, light, effect etc. after power off!)
  • Mipow Playbulb Candle (BTL300, BTL305), confirmed by other users
  • MiPow Playbulb String (BTL505-GN), confirmed by other users (device does not have random- / security mode)

Not tested yet:

  • MiPow Playbulb Sphere (BTL301W), untested, unconfirmed, feedback is welcome!
  • MiPow Playbulb Garden (BTL400), untested, unconfirmed, feedback is welcome!
  • MiPow Playbulb Comet (BTL501A), untested, unconfirmed, feedback is welcome!
  • MiPow Playbulb Solar (BTL601), untested, unconfirmed, feedback is welcome!

This script is NOT compatible with bulbs of series BTL1xx:

  • MiPow Playbulb Lite (BTL100S)
  • MiPow Playbulb Color (BTL100C)

This script allows to control Mipow PLaybulbs via bluetooth BLE (low energy, version 4) with the Raspberry Pi's Raspian and other Linux distributions.

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 
Usage: <mac/alias> <command> <parameters...>
                                   <mac>: bluetooth mac address of bulb
                                   <alias>: you can use alias instead of mac address 
                                            after you have run setup (see setup) 
                                   <command>: For command and parameters

Basic commands:

 --status                          - print main information of bulb
 --on                              - turn on light (white)
 --off                             - turn off light
 --toggle                          - turn off / on (remembers color!)
 --color <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                   - set color, each value 0 - 255
 --color                           - request current color of bulb
 --up                              - turn up light
 --down                            - dim light

Build-in effects:

 --effect                          - request current effect of bulb
 --pulse <white> <red> <green> <blue> <hold>
                                   - run build-in pulse effect 
                                     color values: 0=off, 1=on 
                                     <hold> per step in ms: 0 - 255
 --blink <white> <red> <green> <blue> <time> [<repetitions> <pause>] 
                                   - run build-in blink effect 
                                     color values: 0 - 255 
                                     <time> in 1/100s: 0 - 255 
                                     <repetitions> (optional) before pause: 0 - 255 
                                     <pause> (optional) in 1/10s: 0 - 255
 --rainbow <hold>                  - run build-in rainbow effect 
                                     <hold> per step in ms: 0 - 255
 --candle <white> <red> <green> <blue>
                                   - run build-in candle effect 
                                     color values: 0 - 255 
 --disco <hold>                    - run build-in disco effect 
                                     <hold> in 1/100s: 0 - 255
 --hold <hold>  [<repetitions> <pause>] 
                                   - change hold value of current effect 
                                     <repetitions> (optional) before pause: 0 - 255 
                                     <pause> (optional) in 1/10s: 0 - 255
 --halt                            - halt build-in effect, keeps color

Soft-effects which stay connected and run long:

 --animate <hold> <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                   - change color smoothly based 
                                     <hold>: 0 - 255ms 
                                     color-values: 0 - 255
 --triangle <hold> <delay> <max>   - change colors 
                                     <hold> in ms 
                                     <delay> in ms 
                                             0 means no animation 
                                             < 0 means dark pause

Timer commands:

 --timer <timer> <start> <minutes> [<white> <red> <green> <blue>]
                                   - schedules timer 
                                     <timer>: No. of timer 1 - 4 
                                     <start>: starting time 
                                              (hh:mm or in minutes) 
                                     <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                     color values: 0 - 255 
 --timer <timer> off               - deactivates single timer 
                                     <timer>: No. of timer 1 - 4 
 --timer off                       - deactivates all timers 
 --timer                           - request current timer settings
 --fade <minutes> <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                   - change color smoothly 
                                     <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                     color values: 0 - 255
 --ambient <minutes> [<start>]     - schedules ambient program 
                                     <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                                best in steps of 15m 
                                     <start>: starting time (optional)
                                              (hh:mm or in minutes)
 --wakeup <minutes> [<start>]      - schedules wake-up program 
                                     <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                                best in steps of 15m 
                                     <start>: starting time (optional)
                                              (hh:mm or in minutes)
 --doze <minutes> [<start>]        - schedules doze program 
                                     <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                                best in steps of 15m 
                                     <start>: starting time (optional)
                                              (hh:mm or in minutes)
 --wheel <bgr|grb|rbg> <minutes> [<start>] [<brightness>] 
                                   - schedules a program running through color wheel
                                     <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                                best in steps of 4m, up to 1020m 
                                     <start>: starting time (optional)
                                              (hh:mm or in minutes)
                                     <brightness>: 0 - 255 (default: 255)
 --random <start> <stop> <min> <max> [<white> <red> <green> <blue>]
                                   - schedules random mode
                                     <start>: start time 
                                              (hh:mm or in minutes) 
                                     <stop>: stop time 
                                             (hh:mm or in minutes) 
                                     <min>: min runtime in minutes 
                                     <max>: max runtime in minutes 
                                     color values: 0 - 255 

 --random off                      - stop random mode 
 --random                          - request current random mode state

Other commands:

 --help <command>                  - get help for specific command
 --setup                           - setup bulb for this program
 --name <name>                     - give bulb a new displayname / alias
 --password <abcd>                 - set password
 --sleep <n>                       - pause processing for n milliseconds
 --dump                            - request full state of bulb
 --device                          - request device information of bulb
 --print                           - prints collected data of bulb
 --json                            - dump full state of bulb in json format
 --verbose                         - print information about processing
 --debug                           - print actions in gatttool
 --reset                           - perform factory reset

Initial setup

  1. Check pre-conditions

Install expect:

$ sudo apt install expect

Check if gatttool is available:

$ gatttool
  gatttool [OPTION...]

  1. Find out the MAC address of your bulb
$ sudo hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
38:01:95:84:A8:B1 (unknown)
AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 (unknown)
  1. Run setup command

By running the setup command, two things will be done:

a. There is a new file in your home folder called ~/.known_bulbs. This file contains a mapping of MAC addresses and names.

b. There is a new file in your /tmp folder, e.g. /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd. It is a description of the characteristics and handles that your bulb provide. See API for more details.

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --setup

Setup for bulb started ...

Step 1: Read characteristics from bulb AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 ...
> characteristics saved in /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd

Step 2: Read bulb name ...
> bulb name is "MIPOW SMART BULB"
> bulb name stored in ~/.known_bulbs for usage with aliases.

Setup completed!

Usage with MAC address:
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 status

Usage with alias:
$ ./mipow.exp "MIPOW SMART BULB" status

Have fun with your bulb!

You can double-check both files as follows:

$ cat ~/.known_bulbs 
$ cat /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd 
handle = 0x0002, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x0003, uuid = 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  1. Give bulb a new name

In order to be able to distinguish multiple bulbs you should rename your bulb.

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --name Livingroom
  1. Dump full status of bulb
$ ./mipow.exp Liv --dump --print

Device mac:                   6A:9C:4B:0F:AC:E6
Device name:                  Wohnzimmer
Device password:              (not supported)
Battery level:                (not supported)
Device vendor:                Mipow Limited
Device id:                    BTL201
Device version:               BTL201_v2
Device software:              Application version
Device CPU:                   CSR101x A05

Color:                        WRGB(0,0,29,1)

Effect:                       halt
Effect color:                 off
Effect time (raw):            255
Effect time (approx.):        n/a

Time:                         16:41

Timer 1:                      turnon
Timer 1 time:                 n/a
Timer 1 color:                WRGB(0,0,0,31)
Timer 1 time (minutes):       225

Timer 2:                      turnon
Timer 2 time:                 n/a
Timer 2 color:                WRGB(0,0,31,0)
Timer 2 time (minutes):       225

Timer 3:                      turnon
Timer 3 time:                 16:56
Timer 3 color:                WRGB(0,31,0,0)
Timer 3 time (minutes):       225

Timer 4:                      turnoff
Timer 4 time:                 20:41
Timer 4 color:                off
Timer 4 time (minutes):       225

Randommode:                   off
$ mipow W --device --color --effect --timer --random --json
  "device" : {
    "mac" : "6A:9C:4B:0F:AC:E6",
    "name" : "Wohnzimmer",
    "battery" : "(not supported)",
    "vendor" : "Mipow Limited",
    "id" : "BTL201",
    "version" : "BTL201_v2",
    "software" : "Application version",
    "cpu" : "CSR101x A05"
  "state" : {
    "color" : "WRGB(0,0,29,1)",
    "effect" : {
      "effect" : "halt",
      "color" : "off",
      "repititions" : 3840,
      "time" : {
        "speed_raw" : 255,
        "speed_human" : "n/a",
        "pause_raw" : 255,
        "pause_human" : "25.5 sec"
  "time" : "16:42",
  "timer" : [
      "type" : "turnon",
      "start" : "n/a",
      "runtime" : "225",
      "color" : "WRGB(0,0,0,31)"
      "type" : "turnon",
      "start" : "n/a",
      "runtime" : "225",
      "color" : "WRGB(0,0,31,0)"
      "type" : "turnon",
      "start" : "16:56",
      "runtime" : "225",
      "color" : "WRGB(0,31,0,0)"
      "type" : "turnoff",
      "start" : "20:41",
      "runtime" : "225",
      "color" : "off"
  "random" : {
    "status" : "off"

Note: You can use just a part of the name, here only "Liv", instead of MAC address or the full given name.

  1. If something wents wrong

If something wents wrong, you maybe want to cleanup some files:

$ rm ~/.known_bulbs
$ rm /tmp/bulb-*
  1. Try GUI for bulb

I have also added a simple GUI.

The more parameters you pass, the less dialogs will appear ;-)

$ ./ Liv color

$ ./ Liv

$ ./

Note This GUI requires zenity. You can install it as follows:

$ sudo apt install zenity


Ask for help

$ ./mipow.exp --help


$ ./mipow.exp --help color

Usage: <mac/alias> <command> <parameters...>
                                   <mac>: bluetooth mac address of bulb
                                   <alias>: you can use alias instead of mac address 
                                            after you have run setup (see setup) 
                                   <command>: For command and parameters

 --color <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                 - set color, each value 0 - 255

$ ./mipow.exp Liv --color
Usage: <mac/alias> <command> <parameters...>
                                   <mac>: bluetooth mac address of bulb
                                   <alias>: you can use alias instead of mac address 
                                            after you have run setup (see setup) 
                                   <command>: For command and parameters
 --color <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                 - set color, each value 0 - 255

Print status of bulb

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --status

Effect:     blink, WRGB(0,255,0,0), 5.1 sec, 0.196 Hz, 11.76 bpm

Timer 1:    14:51, WRGB(0,0,0,25), 30m
Timer 3:    15:51, WRGB(0,25,0,0), 30m
Timer 4:    16:21, off, 30m

Time:       12:54

Note: Status is optional. The following has the same result:

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6

Set color

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --color 0 255 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --toggle
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --toggle
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --off
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --on
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --down
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --up

Queueing commands / sleep command

Since it takes some time to establish the bluetooth connection each time you start the script, I have introduced command queuing. Each command starts with a dash. The sleep command pauses processing before the next command starts.

$ ./mipow myroom --off --sleep 1000 --on --sleep 500 --off --sleep 250 --on --sleep 100 --off

Build-in effects

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --pulse 10 0 0 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --blink 20 20 0 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --rainbow 20
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --disco 30
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --hold 100

Software controlled animations (long running, stay connected)

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --animate  255 0 0 100
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --triangle -10 100 10


$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --timer 1 22:40 10 0 0 255 255
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --timer 1 off
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --timer 2 22 1 0 0 255 255
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --timer off

Random turn-on and off

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --random 22:45 23:50 1 1 255 0 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --random off

Light programs (based on timers)

$./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --wakeup 8
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --doze 60
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --bgr 60 0 64

Set name

$./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --name Timewaster

Set password

$./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 --password 1234


Full-featured shell script interface based on expect and gatttool for Mipow Playbulb BTL201 (and maybe others)







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