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Build Debian Packages

Romuald Conty edited this page Jun 13, 2020 · 5 revisions

Libarea (requirement)

HeeksCAD requires libarea, this section will explain how to build and install libarea using the Debian way.

Install build dependencies

sudo apt install git build-essential debhelper cmake libboost-python-dev python-dev

Fetch sources

git clone
cd libarea

Build packages

dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc

This will produces 3 packages: libarea0, libarea-dev and python-area.

Install packages

cd ..
sudo dpkg -i libarea*.deb python-area*.deb


When libarea is correctly installed, we can build HeeksCAD packages the same way.

Install build dependencies

sudo apt install liboce-visualization-dev libwxgtk3.0-dev libgtkglext1-dev python-dev

Fetch sources

git clone
cd heekscad

Build packages

dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc

This will produces 4 packages: heekscad, heekscad-dev, libheekstinyxml0 and libheekstinyxml-dev

Install run-time dependencies

If you want a fully translated version:

sudo apt-get install wx3.0-i18n

Install packages

cd ..
sudo dpkg -i *heeks*.deb

Optionnal: HeeksCNC

If you want to use HeeksCNC, CAM plugin, have a look to: