This program is OBSOLETE, please refeer to
#Diablo 3 OCR Enchange made by Hefero
- Unzip Capture2Text into the Script folder and name the folder Capture2Text (included in the full version) [Version Tested: 4.4.0 (7-28-2017)] (32 or 64bit, doesn't matter) downloaded at:
-Run OCRgui.exe or OCRgui.ahk (that's the source code) with AutoHotkey installed (No need for admin rights)
- Put the Desired Attribute in the "Word" field. Understand that this is a unique Word the Script will look for. So if you want "Area Damage Reduction 20%", you can just set "Word" to "Area". and "Number" to "20". If you need "Cooldown Reduction 10.0%" you set "Word" to "Cooldown" and "Number" to "10". I think its pretty intuitive. The numbers are INCLUSIVE. if you put "Word" to "Speed" and "Number" to "6" for instance. It will select Attack Speed 6.0 also.
-Sleep Click is the Delay (ms) between clicks
-Sleep Wait is the Delay (ms) waiting for the new options to come before reading again
-Experiment with higher Delays if you are having troubles (I suggest trying Sleep Click 150 and Sleep Wait 2000 if the default doesn't work well)
-F12 hotkey will stop
-v2 update: You can enter a "Word" as "Damage" and number as "1500-1850" for instance, and and it will only select if the minimum is equal or higher then 1500 and maximum is equal or higher than 1850
Known issues: please note that when you first start it, OCR may take up to 10 seconds to load modules. So it can lag a little on the first try, but after that it runs very very fast.
-You need to run game in Windowed(Fullscreen mode)
-Tested Resolutions:
4096x2160 3840x2160 2560x1600 3440x1440 2560x1440 2560x1080 2160x1200 2048x1536 1920x1440 1900x1200 1920x1080 1680x1050 1600x900 1366x768 1280x1024 1280x768 1024x768 800x600 (Doesnt work)
Special Thanks: -DaLeberkasPepi For the ConvertCoordinate function -duderde For distributing the first versions of OCR Enchange
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