This project is a final project for round one web dev in CodeKY. I will be using a page of a personal project to use towards the final. The main pages used in this final will be the following:
- Resume.HTML
- Resume.CSS
- Styles.CSS
Project is created with:
- JavScript
Tablet Desktop and mobile queries
Create a responsive menu with JavaScript
Add your own transition animation(s) to an element on hover.
Satisfy a requirement of at least 60 with
Feature 1: Mobile, tablet, and desktop media queries with different layouts within them
Wireframes (different than final product)
Feature 2: Creating a responsive menu with JavaScript using a hamburger menu for mobile viewing
Feature 3: Adding your own transition animations to an element on hover using social media buttons -add hover effect that tranforms scale and changes color effect
Feature 4: Satisfy a requirement of at least 60 on speedtest