This is a relatively quick-and-dirty approach to try and bazelify Golang mocks generation using the third-party Mockery tool.
Contributions welcome! Feel free to open up PRs or raise issues.
The gomockery.bzl
file provides two rules that allow for Bazel-generated mock
files for your Golang interfaces. In order for these rules to work correctly you will need to add
the following dependencies to your own WORKSPACE
file if they are not already present.
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
urls = [""],
sha256 = "7be7dc01f1e0afdba6c8eb2b43d2fa01c743be1b9273ab1eaf6c233df078d705",
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains")
name = "bazel_gazelle",
urls = [""],
sha256 = "7949fc6cc17b5b191103e97481cf8889217263acf52e00b560683413af204fcb",
load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies", "go_repository")
name = "com_github_vektra_mockery",
importpath = "",
tag = "e78b021dcbb558a8e7ac1fc5bc757ad7c277bb81",
name = "com_github_stretchr_testify",
importpath = "",
tag = "363ebb24d041ccea8068222281c2e963e997b9dc",
The rules that gomockery.bzl
provides are:
- Which generates the mocks for the interfaces exposed by the specified package. The arguments taken by this rule are:name
(optional) Name of the rule on which othergo_*
rules should depend if they want to include the generated mocks files. Default isgo_default_mocks
(required) Label of thego_library
in the sources of which should be looked for the interfaces to mock.interfaces
(required) Explicit list of the names of interfaces for which mocks should be
(optional) Casing of the file names that will be generated and contain the mocks (suppported values areunderscore
). Default isunderscore
(optional) Name of the package that will contain the mocks. Default ismocks
(optional) Alternative label that builds themockery
binary that should be used instead of the default@com_github_vektra_mockery//cmd/mockery:mockery
- Which generates the mocks for the interfaces exposed by the specified package and compiles them into ago_library
as well that can be depended on by othergo_*
rules. Besides exposing the same arguments as thego_mockery
tool this rule also takes:name
(optional) Name of the rule that will correspond to the generatedgo_library
. Default will bego_default_library
(optional) Name of the rule on which othergo_*
rules should depend if they want to include the generated mocks files. Default isgo_default_mocks
(required) The Go package path with which the generated mocks package can be included from other Go files. It is passed as is through to the underlyinggo_library
(optional) Alternative label that builds
package on which the Go mocks library will need to depend. Will replace the default@com_github_stretchr_testify//mocks:go_default_library