Why? Without this simple registry change, if you wanted to disable Intel Turbo Boost, you would have needed to do so from BIOS.
In windows menu, search under Settings for Microphone privacy settings. From that, a settings window pops up and check if "Allow apps to access your microphone" is off.
Examples of double click are, if you're dragging something it will release, causing the dragged item to stop being dragged. If you click once, sometimes it may click again, hence the name of mice that double click.To Fix: First, unscrew mouse. They usually have screws on the bottom where you may see gel-like plastic padding. After removing the bottom, you'll see on the top what looks like rectangular pads that tend to be white. Put a bit of tape over it and you're done. (Need to figure out how to remove the gel-plastic padding successfully though. I don't think it's possible to be put back in.)