This repository contains code base for the paper "Contrastive Sentence Representation Learning with Adaptive False Negative Cancellation".
In the followsing section, we describe how to train a SimCSE-AFNC model by employing our code.
To fairhfully reproduced our resutls, you can use Pytorch 1.11.0 with CUDA11. Then run the following script to install the remaining dependencies,
pip install -r requirements.txt
In addition, you can choose proper top-k and screening strategy to obtain the better results.
You can run data/ to download the 1 million sentences from English Wikipedia as dataset for training.
--topk choose the number of candiate false negatives, which is range from 1 to 4; --phi The similarity / difference-in-similarity threshold for screening false negative samples. --screen_strategy The strategy used for screen false negative; Strategy 1 is similarity strategy, while strategy 2 is difference-in-similarity strategy.
Before evaluation, please download the evaluation datasets by running
cd SentEval/data/downstream/
Then come back to the root directory, you can evaluate the model using the following code:
--model_name_or_path result/afnc-base_phi07_top3_str1_adelim
--pooler cls
--task_set sts
--mode test