Package for simple usage MongoDB database with buffalo framework
Not support concurrent access => used Mutex for protect this.
Help to develop simple low/mid loaded systems!
$ go get -u
if err := config.LoadConfigFile(); err != nil{
return err
env := envy.Get("GO_ENV", "development")
client, err := mongobuf.NewMongo(config.ConnectionDetails[env])
if err != nil {
return err
If u need validation(it's just optional, without this everything will work) for create and update instance of T
Yout need to implement following interface with requirement of validate pkg of gobuffalo:
ValidateAble interface {
Validate() *validate.Errors
This open a lot of flexible ways of usage. For example where is packege with prebuilded validators:
type A struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id"`
A string
AnnnaLirra int
func (a *A) Validate() *validate.Errors {
return validate.Validate(
&validators.StringIsPresent{Field: a.A, Name: "A"},
For using update we should know ID of current object in MongoDB. One simple way follow it in out structure while create and update.
Because of it, u should have not closed var ( First letter is High ) of type primitive.ObjectID Example:
type A struct {
AnyName primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id", json:"-"`
For getting list of all struct instances in db where is requirement of slice interface:
// All represent slice
All interface {
// return empty instance of slice type
// PTR only!!!!!
T() interface{}
// add to back
Add(interface{}) error
receiver of Add method should be link (ptr). Example:
type As []A
func (As) T() interface{} {
return &A{}
func (a *As) Add(in interface{}) error {
link, ok := in.(*A)
if !ok {
return errors.New("bad cast")
*a = append(*a, *link)
return nil
or as pointer in slice:
type As []*A
func (As) T() interface{} {
return &A{}
func (a *As) Add(in interface{}) error {
link, ok := in.(*A)
if !ok {
return errors.New("bad cast")
*a = append(*a, link)
return nil