This repo is intended for the work "LSTM-based Resource Prediction for Disaggregated RAN in 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks"
Build Free5GC base image from directory: ./build_docker_images/f5gc_base
In the directory: ./build_docker_images/f5gc_core BUild the docker images with the tag defined in the docker-compose.yaml file of the same directory.
docker pull henok28/f5gc-amf:v3.1.1
The satellite emulator containers will build upon runing the docker-compose.yaml file from directory: ./build_docker_images/opensand
Three containers: Gateway, Satellite, and Terminal will be in runing state
docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-gnb:develop
docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nr-ue:develop
docker build -t custom-prometheus .
docker build -t custom-grafana .
docker build -t custom-cadvisor .
http://<your-host-ip>:8080 #### url for CAdvisor
http://<your-host-ip>:9090 #### url for Prometheus
http://<your-host-ip>:3000 #### url for Grafana
docker compose -f docker-compose_with_F1_split.yaml up -d
The collected data is located in ./LSTM_data/f1 directory
The code for the LSTM model taining and validation are: