Puppet module to manage nfs client configuration.
NOTE: This module does not manage /etc/krb5.keytab any more. Use a Keberos module such as kodguru/puppet-module-krb5 (version 0.8.0 or newer) if you need to manage Kerberos itself.
To ensure the service in restarted when /etc/krb5.keytab is updated you could add logic similar to the code below in your profile to ensure it occurs.
include ::nfsclient
include ::krb5
if defined(File['krb5keytab_file']) {
File['krb5keytab_file'] ~> Class['nfsclient']
If statement is in case File['krb5keytab_file'] is relevant if it could be catalogues missing this resource.
Enable GSS. Bool.
- Default: false
Location of keytab.
- Default: undef