This is a music dicord bot to be used in discord servers, the bot is able to join your voice channel and play any audio from youtube, by searching or the URL. It also has a queue that you can add more and more audios!
Commands currently implemented:
!join -> Connects the bot to your channel
!play or !p -> [search or URL] Connects the bot to your channel and plays an youtube audio
!next -> Skips to the next song on the queue
!pause -> Pauses the audio being played
!resume -> Resumes the audio being played
!queue, !q or !playlist -> Shows the current queue
!playing_now, !pn, !now, !currentaudio or !playing -> Shows the audio currently playing
!volume -> Changes the volume between 1 and 100
!stop -> destroy the player, queue and custom changes made
!remove -> [track position or audio name] deletes the audio specified
!remove_range [start] [end] -> removes tracks position from start to end (inclusive) Ex: !remove_range 1 6
!clear -> deletes all audios from queue
!jump -> [track position or audio name] skips to specified audio
!shuffle -> randomizes all audios in the queue
!save_playlist [name] -> saves your current queue with the specified name
!view_playlists -> view all your saved playlists
!load_playlist [name] -> loads a playlist with the specified name
!delete_playlist [name] -> deletes the playlist with the specified name
!loop_queue -> loops through the queue when it ends
!loop_queue_stop -> stop looping through the queue
!help -> It will show similar explatination of these commands!
Feel free to give suggestions, feedback or report bugs.