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LeetCode is really a fantastic platform for practicing Algorithms + Data Structures, this repository is mainly used to recite my idea and others ideas of solving leetcode problems. I will try my best to update this repository regularly. Give me 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍.

Problems based on frequency

Top NO. Title Solution Note Difficulty Time Complexity Space Complexity Tag
1 (001) Two Sum Python Note easy O(n) O(n) Array, Hash Table
2 (002) Add Two Numbers Python Note medium O(m+n) O(m+n) linked list
3 (013) Roman to Intergers Python Note easy O(n) O(n) string
4 (344) Reverse String Python Note easy O(n) O(1) string
29 (104) Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Python Note easy O(n) O(n) DFS, BFS
30 (053) Maximum Subarray Pythin Note easy O(n) O(1) dynamical programming
34 (169) Majority Elememnt Python Note easy O(n) O(1) array
74 (200) Number of Islands Python Note medium O(n) O(n) DFS
83 (219) Contains Duplicate II Python Note easy O(n) O(n) hash table
91 (72) Edit Distance Python Note hard O(mn) O(mn) dynamical programming
126 (268) Missing Number Python Note easy O(n) O(1) bit manipulation
142 (287) Find the Duplicate Number Python Note medium O(n) O(1) cycle detection
143 (448) Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Python Note easy O(n) O(1) array
149 (089) Gray Code Python Note medium O(2^n) O(2^n) recursion
162 (695) Max Area of Island Python Note easy O(mn) O(mn) dfs
184 (717) 1-bit and 2-bit Characters Python Note easy O(n) O(1) array
195 (442) Find All Duplicates in an Array Python Note medium O(n) O(1) array
221 (215) Kth Largest Element in an Array Python Note medium O(k+(n-k)*lgk) O(k) heap
224 (102) Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Python Note medium O(n) O(n) BFS
231 (165) Compare Version Numbers Python Note medium O(n) O(n) string
259 (111) Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Python Note easy O(lgn) O(1) BFS, DFS
274 (322) Coin Change Python Note medium O(nk) O(nk) dynamical programming
282 (343) Integer Break Python Note medium O(n^2) O(n) dynamical programming
303 (107) Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Python Note easy O(n) O(n) BFS
305 (199) Binary Tree Right Side View Python Note medium O(n) O(n) BFS
312 (144) Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Python Note medium O(n) O(n) DFS
322 (074) Search a 2D Matrix Python Note medium O(lgmn) O(1) binary search
353 (103) Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Python Note medium O(n) O(n) BFS
417 (213) House Robber II Python Note medium O(n) O(1) dynamical programming
457 (537) Complex Number Multiplication Python Note medium O(1) O(1) math
458 (718) Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Python Note medium O(mn) O(mn) dynamical programming
477 (712) Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings Python Note medium O(mn) O(mn) dynamical programming
490 (513) Find Bottom Left Tree Value Python Note medium O(lgn) O(lgn) BFS, DFS
520 (673) Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence Python Note medium O(n^2) O(n^2) dynamical programming
539 (583) Delete Operation for Two Strings Python Note medium O(mn) O(mn) dynamical programming
551 (515) Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row Python Note medium O(n) O(1) BFS
562 (791) Custom Sort String Python Note medium O(nlgn) O(1) string
685 (576) Out of Boundary Paths Python Note medium O(Nmn) O(Nmn) dynamical programming
696 (829) Consecutive Numbers Sum Python Note medium O(sqrt(N)) O(1) math
725 (835) Image Overlap Python Note medium O(n^4) O(n^2) string
753 (831) Masking Personal Information Python Note medium O(1) O(1) string
763 (841) Keys and Rooms Python Note medium O(n) O(n) BFS, DFS
769 (824) Goat Latin Python Note easy O(n) O(n) string
770 (832) Flipping an Image Python Note easy O(n) O(1) array
792 (808) Soup Servings Python Note medium O(mn) O(mn) dynamical programming
802 (836) Rectangle Overlap Python Note easy O(1) O(1) array
803 (838) Push Dominoes Python Note medium O(n) O(n) dynamical programming
804 (837) New 21 Game Python Note medium O(n) O(n) dynamical programming
805 (840) Magic Squares In Grid Python Note easy O(mn) O(1) array
808 (844) Backspace String Compare Python Note medium O(n) O(n) stack
811 (848) Shifting Letters Python Note medium O(n) O(n) array
814 (851) Loud and Rich Python Note medium O(V+E) O(V+E) dp, dfs
816 (853) Car Fleet Python Note medium O(nlgn) O(n) array
- (846) Hands of Straights Python Note medium O(nw) O(n) array
- (856) Score of Parentheses Python Note medium O(n) O(1) stack
- (858) Mirrot Reflection Python Note medium O(logn) O(1) math


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