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>>Container Training<<


Github Awesome + techno

Containers = POD

PORTUS = registry like Nexus

Logs (Greylog, ELK,EFK) + metrics (prometheus) + tracing (open tracing) = observability O11y (la différence entre les env = la configuration, pas le binaire)

Site Reliability Engineer (Alice GoldFuss = github)

Sciladb = 10 * la performance de cassandra

Persistance des données : dejà bien outillé avec oracle, mysql etc.

Utilisation de MOSH = ssh via UDP (utile pour les connexions pas stable)

Première app

Facilitation de l'unboarding sur n'importe quel environnement. Utilisation de git clone et docker-compose up

docker compose up -> idempotent, si un service est up, pas besoin de le relancer

  • build
  • ship
  • run
    • network
    • volumes
    • container
    • link (service discovery = lier le service redis sans passer par les adresses IP)

Best open source license

  • MIT
  • BSD

Worst open source license

  • GPLv3 = obligation de publier le code source !! (Lors de la distribution)

1 stack docker-compose = plusieurs

  • 1 container ==
    • 1 processus du kernel Linux
      • né à partir de tarball
      • vit dans son namespace (crois qu'il est tout seul dans l'univers)
      • voit ses cgroups (voit un p'tit peu de RAM, CPU, net etc.)

Tant qu'un container ne fait rien, il ne consomme rien.

docker-compose up -d = detach the logs

docker-compose down

docker-compose régit dans le dossier ou il se trouve.

best practice image docker version

    • v1.3.x
    • git hash, build #
    • date (2019-03-25)

Flannel / Cilium / Calico => gestion du réseau dans Kube


pet vs cattle

  • pet = monolithe, difficile à scale
  • cattle = 5000 tête => easy to replace/scale

Il vaut mieux supprimer un slave et le remplacer que de faire de la maintenance

  • FaaS = Function as a Service =/= Serverless (offre cloud)
  • PaaS
  • KaaS
  • CaaS = Cloud
  • IaaS

Kube = Event driven

  • Réaction suite à cet évènement.

Déclaratif vs Impératif (vs Fonctionnel)

kubectl create

  • create => creation yml => appel API server


  • Gitlab CI
  • Ansible <-> ServerSpace
  • JenkinsFile
  • Docker-Compose
  • Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

Ingress = exposer vers l'extérieur des services

First Contact with kubectl

kubeadm a créé l'intégralité du cluster avec une API, un TLS certificates etc...

kubectl get all --all-namespaces --export -o yaml > backup-k8s.yaml save the config

kubectl get nodes -o json | jq ".items[] | {} + .status.capacity"

  "name": "node1",
  "cpu": "4",
  "ephemeral-storage": "47830060Ki",
  "hugepages-2Mi": "0",
  "memory": "4044596Ki",
  "pods": "110"
  "name": "node2",
  "cpu": "4",
  "ephemeral-storage": "47830060Ki",
  "hugepages-2Mi": "0",
  "memory": "4044596Ki",
  "pods": "110"
  "name": "node3",
  "cpu": "4",
  "ephemeral-storage": "47830060Ki",
  "hugepages-2Mi": "0",
  "memory": "4044596Ki",
  "pods": "110"

F5 a racheté Nginx (hardware a racheté le software)

kubectl get ns

kubectl -n kube-system get pods avec -n = namespace

NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-86c58d9df4-gs2gm        1/1     Running   0          13h
coredns-86c58d9df4-j65xn        1/1     Running   0          13h
etcd-node1                      1/1     Running   0          13h
kube-apiserver-node1            1/1     Running   0          13h
kube-controller-manager-node1   1/1     Running   0          13h
kube-proxy-2jr7w                1/1     Running   0          13h
kube-proxy-5trtl                1/1     Running   0          13h
kube-proxy-ljqk2                1/1     Running   0          13h
kube-scheduler-node1            1/1     Running   0          13h
weave-net-b7ng8                 2/2     Running   0          13h
weave-net-p8xzq                 2/2     Running   0          13h
weave-net-q2fpr                 2/2     Running   1          13h

-node1 = lancé seulement sur cette node

coredns default port = 53, ne pas être trop restrictif sur les ports, sinon plus de gestion du réseau

Setting up K8s

kubectl apply = curl ... | sh (careful)

pssh = parallel SSH (lancer une commande sur plusieurs hosts)

@Youtube : KelseyHighTower, AliceGoldFuss, JessieFrazelle, JoeBeda

Running first containers on Kube

alpine distribution Linux super allégé

kubectl run pingpong --image alpine ping

  • nginx inclus dans
    • Pod inclus dans
    • ReplicaSet inclus dans
    • deploy inclus dans
    • NameSpace

FeaturesFlags : La feature a été livré, mais elle ne peut être déployé qu'à mon activation

Labeliser le code/environnement/frontend/network/scaling/pod/owner/astreinte(?)

kubectl logs -l run=pingpong env=qual --tail 1

prometheus in kube or outside ?

  • both !
    • Grafana = outside
    • logs = inside

Deploy self hosted registry

kubectl run registry --image=registry
kubectl expose deploy/registry --port=5000 --type=NodePort # NodePort expose the port in every node

NODEPORT=$(kubectl get svc/registry -o json | jq .spec.ports[0].nodePort)

cd ~/
export TAG=v0.1
docker-compose -f dockercoins.yml build
docker-compose -f dockercoins.yml push

kubectl run redis --image=redis

for SERVICE in hasher rng webui worker; do
  kubectl run $SERVICE --image=$REGISTRY/$SERVICE:$TAG

# Expose ports of every services
# By default, the type is ClusterIP
kubectl expose deployment redis --port 6379
kubectl expose deployment rng --port 80
kubectl expose deployment hasher --port 80
kubectl expose deploy/webui --type=NodePort --port=80

:info: how to check if everything is okay ?

  • kubectl get all and check if everything is up and running
  • go to the web browser and check if the page is showing
$ kubectl get all
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/hasher-684c9fbdc7-567r4     1/1     Running   0          6m23s
pod/redis-6f9b48bb97-cdjb4      1/1     Running   0          7m
pod/registry-654cc89557-w75pr   1/1     Running   0          15m
pod/rng-d9548c789-bb74m         1/1     Running   0          6m23s
pod/webui-54879f744-ctbr7       1/1     Running   0          6m22s
pod/worker-686cc5944b-k25gm     1/1     Running   0          6m22s

NAME                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/hasher       ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP           4m56s
service/kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP          49m
service/redis        ClusterIP   <none>        6379/TCP         5m4s
service/registry     NodePort    <none>        5000:30318/TCP   15m
service/rng          ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP           5m1s
service/webui        NodePort    <none>        80:30913/TCP     4m45s

NAME                       READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/hasher     1/1     1            1           6m23s
deployment.apps/redis      1/1     1            1           7m
deployment.apps/registry   1/1     1            1           15m
deployment.apps/rng        1/1     1            1           6m23s
deployment.apps/webui      1/1     1            1           6m22s
deployment.apps/worker     1/1     1            1           6m22s

NAME                                  DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/hasher-684c9fbdc7     1         1         1       6m23s
replicaset.apps/redis-6f9b48bb97      1         1         1       7m
replicaset.apps/registry-654cc89557   1         1         1       15m
replicaset.apps/rng-d9548c789         1         1         1       6m23s
replicaset.apps/webui-54879f744       1         1         1       6m22s
replicaset.apps/worker-686cc5944b     1         1         1       6m22s
  • node1:
  • node2:
  • node3:

Controlling the cluster remotely

Bastion =

  • serveur d'exploitation qui lance des commandes sur le cluster en remote
  • avoir la liste des accès pour les clusters

Accessing internal Services

-> acces a TCP service kubectl port-forward service/name_of_service local_port:remote_port


We need to

  • create a deployment and a service for the dashboard
  • also a secret a service account, a role and a role binding

Securising kube

[] (kubernetes-admin@kubernetes:default) docker@node1 ~
$ kubectl get namespaces 
NAME              STATUS   AGE
default           Active   106m
kube-node-lease   Active   106m
kube-public       Active   106m
kube-system       Active   106m
[] (kubernetes-admin@kubernetes:default) docker@node1 ~
$ kubectl get svc
NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
hasher       ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP           61m
kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP          106m
redis        ClusterIP   <none>        6379/TCP         61m
registry     NodePort    <none>        5000:30318/TCP   71m
rng          ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP           61m
webui        NodePort    <none>        80:30913/TCP     61m
[] (kubernetes-admin@kubernetes:default) docker@node1 ~
$ kubectl -n kube-system get svc
NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE
kube-dns               ClusterIP      <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP   106m
kubernetes-dashboard   NodePort     <none>        443:31032/TCP            13m
socat                  NodePort   <none>        80:30962/TCP             13m

Kubectl apply

careful with this command because we apply a yml file to our cluster

Scale a deployment

kubectl scale deploy/worker --replicas=10

if we scale the replicaset, the deploy will

Scale ? When

HPA (Horizontal Pod AutoScaler)

Scale if %CPU > X% ,

min = 2 max = 2-3 fois le nombre de pods ?

Daemon Sets

Deployer un exemplaire d'un pod sur chaque node !

Contrairement à deploy, qui peut en lancer 10 n'importe ou.

They can also be restricted to run only on some nodes :

Likewise if you specify a .spec.template.spec.affinity, then DaemonSet controller will create Pods on nodes which match that node affinity.

affinity = label

taints = markage pour dire de ne pas lancer de pods sur cette node

tolerations = ouvrir et assouplir les taints et ainsi déployer des pods même sur la node master

traiter les logs en tant que flux, afin de décentraliser l'information TOREAD

If we delete pod, the replicaset will recreate it and will double it

Updating a service through labels ans selectors

Difference between :

  • the label of a resource in the metadata block
    • decription
  • the selector of a resource in the spec block *
  • the label of the resource created by the first resource (in the template block) *

How to get logs from containers

  • /var/lib/docker/containerHash/hash-json.log

How to avoid extra pods :

kubectl patch

Rolling updates

  • update = rollout the pod and update it
  • change spec = create new pod and leave the old pods

update the image kubectl set image deploy worker worker=$REGISTRY/worker:$TAG or use kubectl edit deploy worker and change the image name

kubectl rollout undo deploy worker will rollback to version N-1

kubectl rollout status deploy worker check the rollout status

How to deploy

  • Product Owner sign, promote and scan the image
  • Pushed in the registry of prod as a promotion
  • broadcast to Slack/Skype etc that a new version is ready do be deployed
  • -> /deploy JIRA:v1.4
  • ...
  • ...
  • OKAY: deployed on https://test..... and we check that every metrics that matters the most are okay.


Needed in prod image Dockerfile, docker-compose-prod.yml, Resource Deployments K8s

  • Dockerfile => HEALTHCHECK
  • docker-compose => healthcheck
  • resource Deploy K8s => liveness / readiness
    • liveness = pod dead or alive ?
    • readiness = is he available to serve traffic

if the charge overload, => autoscaling

Accessing logs from the CLI

stern <POD> better than kubectl logs (until 1.14)

Centralized logging

ELK => EFK => Graylog 2 => Splunk ( => DataDog => Sematex

Create namespace

kubectl create namespace efk

kns and kns efk

A container writes a line on stderr or stdout

Managing stacks with Helm


ClusterRoleBinding = bind un ClusterRole à un serviceAccount

kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default

helm search search on github charts

helm search prometheus

helm install stable/prometheus \
     --set server.service.type=NodePort \
     --set server.persistentVolume.enabled=false


  • default = apps
  • kube-system = control plane
  • kube-public = contains one secret used for cluster discovery

How to use command in specific context : kubectl -n blue get svc

DO NOT provide isolation

Network policies does isolation !

A context is a tuple of

  • user
  • cluster
  • namespace

/!\ Pas de sécurité, pas de login/pwd lors du passage d'un contexte à un autre !!

kubectl foo = kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=foo

kube-ps1 kubectx

Network policies

  • [selector]
    • list of labels

-> applying ingress/egress rules to a selector

Ingress = incoming traffic egress = outgoing traffic

pod A want to talk to pod B

  • Policy in A with egress rule to talk to B
  • Policy in B with ingress rule to talk to A

WAF = Web Application Firewall : Get network policies

Deny Policy

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: deny-all-for-testweb
      run: testweb
  ingress: []

Allow Policy

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-testcurl-for-testweb
      run: testweb
  - from:
    - podSelector:
          run: testcurl

A good strategy is to isolate a namespace, so that:

  • all the pods in the namespace can communicate together
  • other namespaces cannot access the pods
  • external access has to be enabled explicitly

Authentication and Authorization

Authentication = verifying the identity of a person

Authorization = listing what they are allowed to do

CA Certification Authority

RBAC = Role-Based Access Control

A rule is a combination of:

  • verbs like create, get, list, update, delete ...
  • resources (as in "API resource", like pods, nodes, services ...)
  • resource names (to specify e.g. one specific pod instead of all pods)
  • in some case, subresources (e.g. logs are subresources of pods)
kubectl create serviceaccount viewer

kubectl create rolebinding viewercanview \
      --clusterrole=view \

Exposing HTTP services with Ingress resources

Traefik will use the labels to configure the cluster (à chaud)

We will create Ingress rules that will route the URL to our site

We need to replace the A.B.C.D with our node1 IP address

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: cheddar
  - host:
      - path: /
          serviceName: cheddar
          servicePort: 80
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: stilton
  - host:
      - path: /
          serviceName: stilton
          servicePort: 80
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: wensleydale
  - host:
      - path: /
          serviceName: wensleydale
          servicePort: 80
kubectl run cheddar --image=errm/cheese:cheddar
kubectl run stilton --image=errm/cheese:stilton
kubectl run wensleydale --image=errm/cheese:wensleydale

kubectl expose deployment cheddar --port=80
kubectl expose deployment stilton --port=80
kubectl expose deployment wensleydale --port=80

Git-based workflow


Monitoring : Grafana => Dashboard => Plugin (k8s, jenkins, swarm, mysql..)


Checklist images

  • No password
  • One process per container (unless forks)
  • Dockerfile + .dockerignore
  • JSON syntax
  • ENTRYPOINT : default command
  • CMD : default parameters of default command
  • the most stable on the top
  • the most changing on the bottom
  • >>Use Build MultiStage<<
  • add dependency in the image before the code
  • ENV in the beginning of the file
  • USER != ROOT
  • EXPOSE good for documentation (we can do it with docker-compose/kube etc.)

Image =

  • conf
  • code
  • tomcat
  • JRE
  • tooling DSI
  • centos

code <-> centos (dev = qual = prod)

COW = Copy on Write




FROM ubuntu AS compiler
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y build-essential
COPY hello.c /
RUN make hello
FROM ubuntu
COPY --from=compiler /hello /hello
CMD /hello
FROM ubuntu as builder
FROM ubuntu as builder
FROM alpine as test
FROM busybox as prod

docker build --target=test will stop at the end of the FROM alpine as test


restartPolicy: OnFailure

Stateful sets & Persistant Volume Claim

If a pod die, the volume persist and can bee attached to it after all

Portworx = Gros dique dur de donnée qui est aggrégé depuis plusieurs machines de plusieurs tailles différents

Manage Configuration

Injecting configuration file


kubectl create configmap my-app-config --from-file=app.config

kubectl create cm my-app-config \
  --from-literal=foreground=red \

Owners and dependents

List all pods that got no owners

kubectl get pod -o json | jq -r "
      | select(.metadata.ownerReferences|not)

Kubernetes en production

Specify a CPU request and a CPU limit in the pod (CPU/RAM)

Autoscaling (HPA)

Namespace and quotas (RAM,CPU,disk)

@Youtube GCP upgrade kube cluster with zero down time

Stateful services = data persistence

  • Outside of the cluster

Never store sensitive information in container images

Link & sources

Hashicorp ~ Zookeeper ORSYS tatuu2ur


kubernetes notes






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