Repository contains material to reproduce the results of 'Unsupervised Functional Data Analysis via Nonlinear Dimension Reduction'(
To reproduce the results (Figures & Tables), run script "results.R". Make sure, all packages listed in "setup.R" in folder R are installed.
To produce Figures 1, 2, and 8, run script "plot_example_data.R".
To recompute the optimal embeddings obtained use the script "compute_optimal_embeddings.R". Note, this might take some time (depending on the system > 2 h). Also, memory might become an issue. The results were computed on an Intel© Core™ i7-8665U CPU @ 1.90GHz × 4 system with 15.4 GB RAM and OS Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon (4.2.4) using R 3.6.3