Telegram bot written in Go which sanitizes URL Queries and adds / tiktok links OpenGraph meta tags
Add it to your Groupchat or use it private here: @sanitizeurlbot
docker run -d -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=<your-token> mecoblock/sanitizetelebot
alternatively you can use the compose.yml:
version: "3.3"
image: mecoblock/sanitizetelebot
- TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=#Your token here
networks: {}
- Get a Telegram Bot Token from BotFather
- Download the lastest artifact from the actions tab
- Create a token.txt file and paste in your Token from Botfather
- Run the executable
- Get a Telegram Bot Token from BotFather
- Clone the Repo
- Open the Terminal in the project directory and type
go build
- Create a token.txt file and paste in your Token from Botfather
- Run the executable