To send someone any message on Whatsapp and telegram we need to save his/her number to our contact at first. Here I make a solution for that. Now you don't need to save his/her contact to your mobile. You can directly send messages to anyone on WhatsApp and telegram without saving his/her contact.
- For whatsapp you need the number of that person.
- For telegram you need the username of that person.
- We can open anyone's whatsapp and send them a message directly by his/her number.
- We can open anyone's telegram directly by his/her username.
- We also don't need to open our app to open whatsapp. By selecting a number from outside of the app , we can directly open whatsapp.
- I have used Intent with ACTION_VIEW and also used whatsapp and telegram API to open whatsapp and telegram respectively.
- I have used a third party library Glide to show GIF at ImageView.
- I make a theme to make activity transparent.
- I have implemented different themes for the ThumbTint of Switch drring check.
- I have checked network state.