Kind2 is a minimalist proof language based on Self types, a simple extension to the Calculus of Constructions that allows encoding inductive types without a complex, hardcoded datatype system. It compiles to Bend.
Clone this repository and install it:
git clone cargo install --path .
Type-check a Kind2 definition:
kind2 check name_here
Test it with the interpreter:
kind2 run name
Compile and run in parallel, powered by HVM!
kind2 compile name ./name
// The Fibonacci function
fib (n: U48) : U48 =
switch n {
0: 0
1: 1
_: (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))
// Polymorphic Lists
data List T
| cons (head: T) (tail: (List T))
| nil
// Applies a function to all elements of a list
map <A> <B> (xs: (List A)) (f: A -> B) : (List B) =
fold xs {
++: (f xs.head) ++ xs.tail
[]: []
use Nat/{succ,zero,half,double}
// Proof that `∀n. n*2/2 = n`
bft (n: Nat) : (half (double n)) == n =
match n {
succ: (Equal/apply succ (bft n.pred))
zero: {=}
There are countless examples on the Book/