Material and Mouse driven theme for AwesomeWM 4.3-git
Original work by PapyElGringo, updated framework (and what this if forked from) by manilarome. PapyElGringo is now working on Material-Shell instead.
Note: This is my personal config, I am willing to accept pull requests that fix bugs or adds features that are missing. As this is pretty much a freetime project by someone who is not familiar with lua, do not expect this to be under super active development by me(as I know little to no lua). This is why I recommend you to fork this project and use that to store your own personal config and just use this as a base.
An almost desktop environment made with AwesomeWM mostly following the Material Design guidelines with a performant opiniated mouse/keyboard workflow to increase daily productivity and comfort.
Tiled | Panel | Exit screen | Notification center |
I am pretty much most likely as green as you when it comes to lua, but you can submit an issue in the issue tracker and me or someone else will attempt to help you if we know the answer.
Feel free to @HikariKnight in the issue message too to send me a mail notification!
- Clicking a notification does not raise the window/application that sent it.
This seems to be an issue with the new notification api that uses dbus in awesomewm
Note: the best transition is from gnome or mate to material-awesome as KDE-plasma can break some indicators until plasma is purged entierly.
- AwesomeWM as the window manager (you will need to build awesome from source using the master branch)
- Roboto as the font
- Rofi for the app launcher
- Picom for the compositor (you will have to build it from source, compton is not compatible!)
- i3lock-fancy the lockscreen application
- xclip for copying screenshots to clipboard
- gnome-keyring-daemon and a policykit-agent (by default policykit-1-gnome is enabled)
- kitty as terminal emulator
- (Optional) qt5-styles-gtk2 or qt5-styles-plugins for making QT and KDE applications look the same as gnome applications (standalone QT applications will still show up using their default theme, this cannot be fixed!)
- (Optional) Materia as GTK theme
- (Optional) Papirus Dark as icon theme
- (Optional) lxappearance to set up the gtk and icon theme
- (Optional) xrandr to adjust laptop brightness (LVDS output)
- (Optional) Ksnip my personal screenshot utility of choice, can be replaced by whichever you want, just remember to edit the screenshot utility script!
- (Optional) Redshift For blue light filter
After installing all the dependencies (and compiled and installed awesomewm from source!)
Run the below command
ls /usr/share/xsessions
If the above command does not list an awesome.desktop file then copy the below text into /usr/share/xsessions/awesomewm.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Highly configurable framework window manager
Keywords=Window manager
git clone ~/.config/awesome
This theme requires the current (as of 23.02.2021) master branch of Awesome, it does not work on Awesome 4.3-stable which is what most distros ship. If you want to install the older config on Awesome4.3-stable or Awesome 4.2 use the specific awesome-4.2 or awesome4.3-stable branch (not in development by me)
Lua5.4: Lua version 5.4 changed how require works, this is a breaking change with Lua 5.3, a special Lua5.4 compatible branch has been made for the transition period
git clone -b lua5.4 ~/.config/awesome
Awesome4.3-stable (older version with less features, no longer maintained, browse the branch for install requirements!)
git clone -b awesome4.3-stable ~/.config/awesome
git clone -b awesome-4.2 ~/.config/awesome
Start lxappearance to active the icon theme and GTK theme
Note: for cursor theme, edit ~/.icons/default/index.theme
and ~/.config/gtk3-0/settings.ini
, for the change to also show up in applications run as root, copy the 2 files over to their respective place in /root
First install qt5-style-plugins
(or qt5-style-gtk2
) and add this to the bottom of your /etc/environment
The first variable fixes most indicators (especially electron based ones!), the second tells most Qt and KDE applications (from your distributions repository) to use your gtk2 theme set through lxappearance.
Open apps.lua and config.lua and make your changes.
I recommend you to make your own fork of this project!
You can search the code to find the file you are looking for using this command if you ever plan to edit the source files directly.
grep -Ri "what you are searching for" ~/.config/awesome/
The documentation live within the source code.
The project is split in functional directories and in each of them there should be a readme where you can get additionnal informations about the contents of the folder.