PPParticleButton is a UIButton subClass it has a cool tap animation, even though it can be used anywhere you can use a UIButton.
PPParticleButton uses SKEmitterNode of SpriteKit, to create the tap animation.
## Requirements
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 7.2+
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'PPParticleButton'
$ pod install
Select File->New->File...->Resource->SpriteKit Particle File, and create a sksFile.
Initialize a PPParticleButton class on code. or set to "PPParticleButton" of button's className on storyboard.
And only after you set the sksFile name (excluding the extension) to particleFileNameMap property of PPPerticleButton.
- When tapped, works animation always.
ppparticleButton.particleFileNameMap[PPParticleButtonEffectType.Normal] = "sksFile name"
- When tapped, works animation during button unselected.
ppparticleButton.particleFileNameMap[PPParticleButtonEffectType.UnSelected] = "sksFile name"
* When tapped, works animation during selected.
ppparticleButton.particleFileNameMap[PPParticleButtonEffectType.Selected] = "sksFile name"
For more information, please refer to PPParticleButtonExample project.