Node-RED node to access database using JDBC driver
The JDBC node has the ability to read and write various databases like PostgreSQL and Oracle databases. By the JDBC driver, this node can access these databases without the Node.js module for them.
(1) Install Java environment on Ubuntu
(2) Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-jdbc
(1) Start PostgreSQL server to test
docker run --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres
(2) Download JDBC driver to the user directory
(3) Start Node-RED process in the user directory
(4) Place JDBC node and configure property on the Node-RED flow editor
If you would like to use the other database, you can specify the other JDBC driver file on the property.
(5) Create flow to pass SQL query to the JDBC node
After executing the JDBC node, it outputs the result of the SQL query.
You can import the example flow from the menu -> Import -> Examples -> node-red-contrib-jdbc -> postgres.