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Merge pull request #2168 from Alizter/ps/rr/better_induction_principl…
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better induction principles for FreeProduct + cleanup
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Alizter authored Dec 29, 2024
2 parents 5a67d57 + f8060e7 commit 255c66f
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 34 deletions.
123 changes: 89 additions & 34 deletions theories/Algebra/Groups/FreeProduct.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,15 +161,15 @@ Section FreeProduct.
Definition amal_eta : Words -> amal_type := tr o coeq.

Definition amal_mu_H (x y : Words) (h1 h2 : H)
: amal_eta (x ++ (cons (inl h1) [inl h2]) ++ y) = amal_eta (x ++ [inl (h1 * h2)] ++ y).
: amal_eta (x ++ [inl h1, inl h2] ++ y) = amal_eta (x ++ [inl (h1 * h2)] ++ y).
unfold amal_eta.
apply path_Tr, tr.
exact (cglue (inl (inl (inl (inl (x,h1,h2,y)))))).

Definition amal_mu_K (x y : Words) (k1 k2 : K)
: amal_eta (x ++ (cons (inr k1) [inr k2]) ++ y) = amal_eta (x ++ [inr (k1 * k2)] ++ y).
: amal_eta (x ++ [inr k1, inr k2] ++ y) = amal_eta (x ++ [inr (k1 * k2)] ++ y).
unfold amal_eta.
apply path_Tr, tr.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ Section FreeProduct.
Definition amal_type_ind (P : amal_type -> Type) `{forall x, IsHSet (P x)}
(e : forall w, P (amal_eta w))
(mh : forall (x y : Words) (h1 h2 : H),
DPath P (amal_mu_H x y h1 h2) (e (x ++ (inl h1 :: [inl h2]) ++ y)) (e (x ++ [inl (h1 * h2)] ++ y)))
DPath P (amal_mu_H x y h1 h2) (e (x ++ [inl h1, inl h2] ++ y)) (e (x ++ [inl (h1 * h2)] ++ y)))
(mk : forall (x y : Words) (k1 k2 : K),
DPath P (amal_mu_K x y k1 k2) (e (x ++ (inr k1 :: [inr k2]) ++ y)) (e (x ++ [inr (k1 * k2)] ++ y)))
DPath P (amal_mu_K x y k1 k2) (e (x ++ [inr k1, inr k2] ++ y)) (e (x ++ [inr (k1 * k2)] ++ y)))
(t : forall (x y : Words) (z : G),
DPath P (amal_tau x y z) (e (x ++ [inl (f z)] ++ y)) (e (x ++ [inr (g z)] ++ y)))
(oh : forall (x y : Words),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ Section FreeProduct.
(** From which we can derive the non-dependent eliminator / recursion principle *)
Definition amal_type_rec (P : Type) `{IsHSet P} (e : Words -> P)
(eh : forall (x y : Words) (h1 h2 : H),
e (x ++ (cons (inl h1) [inl h2]) ++ y) = e (x ++ [inl (h1 * h2)] ++ y))
e (x ++ [inl h1, inl h2] ++ y) = e (x ++ [inl (h1 * h2)] ++ y))
(ek : forall (x y : Words) (k1 k2 : K),
e (x ++ (cons (inr k1) [inr k2]) ++ y) = e (x ++ [inr (k1 * k2)] ++ y))
e (x ++ [inr k1, inr k2] ++ y) = e (x ++ [inr (k1 * k2)] ++ y))
(t : forall (x y : Words) (z : G),
e (x ++ [inl (f z)] ++ y) = e (x ++ [inr (g z)] ++ y))
(oh : forall (x y : Words), e (x ++ [inl mon_unit] ++ y) = e (x ++ y))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ Section FreeProduct.
{ intros r y h1 h2; revert r.
rapply amal_type_ind_hprop.
intros z;
change (amal_eta ((x ++ ((inl h1 :: [inl h2]) ++ y)) ++ z)
change (amal_eta ((x ++ [inl h1, inl h2] ++ y) ++ z)
= amal_eta ((x ++ [inl (h1 * h2)] ++ y) ++ z)).
refine (ap amal_eta _^ @ _ @ ap amal_eta _).
1,3: apply app_assoc.
Expand All @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ Section FreeProduct.
{ intros r y k1 k2; revert r.
rapply amal_type_ind_hprop.
intros z;
change (amal_eta ((x ++ ((inr k1 :: [inr k2]) ++ y)) ++ z)
change (amal_eta ((x ++ [inr k1, inr k2] ++ y) ++ z)
= amal_eta ((x ++ [inr (k1 * k2)] ++ y) ++ z)).
refine (ap amal_eta _^ @ _ @ ap amal_eta _).
1,3: apply app_assoc.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -585,16 +585,16 @@ Section FreeProduct.

Definition AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec (X : Group)
(h : GroupHomomorphism H X) (k : GroupHomomorphism K X)
(p : h o f == k o g)
: GroupHomomorphism AmalgamatedFreeProduct X.
(h : H $-> X) (k : K $-> X)
(p : h $o f $== k $o g)
: AmalgamatedFreeProduct $-> X.
snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
1: srapply (AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec' X h k p).
exact _.

Definition amal_inl : GroupHomomorphism H AmalgamatedFreeProduct.
Definition amal_inl : H $-> AmalgamatedFreeProduct.
snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
{ intro x.
Expand All @@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ Section FreeProduct.

Definition amal_inr : GroupHomomorphism K AmalgamatedFreeProduct.
Definition amal_inr : K $-> AmalgamatedFreeProduct.
snrapply Build_GroupHomomorphism.
{ intro x.
Expand All @@ -617,6 +617,11 @@ Section FreeProduct.
rewrite app_nil.

Definition amal_glue : amal_inl $o f $== amal_inr $o g.
hnf; apply (amal_tau nil nil).

Theorem equiv_amalgamatedfreeproduct_rec `{Funext} (X : Group)
: {h : GroupHomomorphism H X & {k : GroupHomomorphism K X & h o f == k o g }}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -654,29 +659,90 @@ Section FreeProduct.
apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism;
intro; simpl; rapply right_identity.

Definition amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop (P : AmalgamatedFreeProduct -> Type)
`{forall x, IsHProp (P x)}
(l : forall a, P (amal_inl a)) (r : forall b, P (amal_inr b))
(Hop : forall x y, P x -> P y -> P (x * y))
: forall x, P x.
rapply amal_type_ind_hprop.
intros w.
simple_list_induction w a w IH.
- rewrite <- (amal_omega_H nil nil).
apply l.
- destruct a as [a|b].
+ change (P (amal_inl a * amal_eta w)).
by apply Hop.
+ change (P (amal_inr b * amal_eta w)).
by apply Hop.

Definition amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_homotopy
{k k' : AmalgamatedFreeProduct $-> G}
(l : k $o amal_inl $== k' $o amal_inl)
(r : k $o amal_inr $== k' $o amal_inr)
: k $== k'.
rapply (amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop _ l r).
intros x y p q; by nrapply grp_homo_op_agree.

End FreeProduct.

Arguments amal_eta {G H K f g} x.
Arguments amal_inl {G H K f g}.
Arguments amal_inr {G H K f g}.
Arguments AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec {G H K f g}.
Arguments amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop {G H K f g} _ {_}.
Arguments amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_homotopy {G H K f g _}.
Arguments amal_glue {G H K f g}.

Definition FreeProduct (G H : Group) : Group
:= AmalgamatedFreeProduct grp_trivial G H (grp_trivial_rec _) (grp_trivial_rec _).

Definition freeproduct_inl {G H : Group} : GroupHomomorphism G (FreeProduct G H)
:= amal_inl _ _ _ _ _.
:= amal_inl.

Definition freeproduct_inr {G H : Group} : GroupHomomorphism H (FreeProduct G H)
:= amal_inr _ _ _ _ _.
:= amal_inr.

Definition FreeProduct_rec (G H K : Group)
(f : GroupHomomorphism G K) (g : GroupHomomorphism H K)
: GroupHomomorphism (FreeProduct G H) K.
Definition FreeProduct_rec {G H K : Group} (f : G $-> K) (g : H $-> K)
: FreeProduct G H $-> K.
snrapply (AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec _ _ _ _ _ _ f g).
snrapply (AmalgamatedFreeProduct_rec _ f g).
intros [].
refine (grp_homo_unit _ @ (grp_homo_unit _)^).

Definition freeproduct_ind_hprop {G H} (P : FreeProduct G H -> Type)
`{forall x, IsHProp (P x)}
(l : forall g, P (freeproduct_inl g))
(r : forall h, P (freeproduct_inr h))
(Hop : forall x y, P x -> P y -> P (x * y))
: forall x, P x
:= amalgamatedfreeproduct_ind_hprop P l r Hop.

Definition freeproduct_ind_homotopy {G H K : Group}
{f f' : FreeProduct G H $-> K}
(l : f $o freeproduct_inl $== f' $o freeproduct_inl)
(r : f $o freeproduct_inr $== f' $o freeproduct_inr)
: f $== f'.
rapply (freeproduct_ind_hprop _ l r).
intros x y p q; by nrapply grp_homo_op_agree.

Definition freeproduct_rec_beta_inl {G H K : Group}
(f : G $-> K) (g : H $-> K)
: FreeProduct_rec f g $o freeproduct_inl $== f
:= fun x => right_identity (f x).

Definition freeproduct_rec_beta_inr {G H K : Group}
(f : G $-> K) (g : H $-> K)
: FreeProduct_rec f g $o freeproduct_inr $== g
:= fun x => right_identity (g x).

Definition equiv_freeproduct_rec `{funext : Funext} (G H K : Group)
: (GroupHomomorphism G K) * (GroupHomomorphism H K)
<~> GroupHomomorphism (FreeProduct G H) K.
Expand All @@ -698,20 +764,9 @@ Proof.
- exact (FreeProduct G H).
- exact freeproduct_inl.
- exact freeproduct_inr.
- exact (FreeProduct_rec G H).
- intros Z f g x; simpl.
rapply right_identity.
- intros Z f g x; simpl.
rapply right_identity.
- intros Z; exact FreeProduct_rec.
- intros; apply freeproduct_rec_beta_inl.
- intros; apply freeproduct_rec_beta_inr.
- intros Z f g p q.
srapply amal_type_ind_hprop; simpl.
intros w.
induction w as [|gh].
1: exact (grp_homo_unit _ @ (grp_homo_unit _)^).
(* The goal is definitionally the same as [f (amal_eta [gh] * amal_eta w) = g (amal_eta [gh] * amal_eta w)], but using [change] to put it in that form slows down the next line for some reason. *)
nrapply (@grp_homo_op_agree _ _ _ f g (amal_eta [gh]) (amal_eta w) (amal_eta [gh]) (amal_eta w)).
2: apply IHw.
destruct gh as [g' | h].
+ exact (p g').
+ exact (q h).
by snrapply freeproduct_ind_homotopy.

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