Trigger class to check if a date on a given object is approaching expiration. Adds an additional Trigger to the Notification flow and runs with cron every few hours. Notifies once per object on the following conditions:
An object of type T (iTop Class, setting per trigger) with the field E (Date or DateTime field, setting per trigger) passes N (Amount of days before date passes, setting per trigger)
There has been no notification sent for this trigger between now and the date in field E minus N days
The object is not marked as 'obsolete'
itop-structure/3.0.0 or newer
Unzip the itop-warn-expiration folder into your extensions folder, re-run the setup to install the plugin
If running earlier versions of iTop 3.0.x, you might have to change the following line in
# Line 266, function FindRecipients
# Existing:
protected function FindRecipients($sRecipAttCode, $aArgs)
$sOQL = $this->Get($sRecipAttCode);
if (strlen($sOQL) === 0) return '';
// ......
# Change the following line
if (strlen($sOQL) == '') return '';
# To
if (strlen($sOQL) === 0) return '';