Rust/Wasm key management implementation that uses Ed25519 signing algorithm and Argon2 key derivation. The private key remains in Wasm memory with no direct access for Javascript.
Release source -
const { KeyManager, deriveSeedFrom } = require('@holo-host/wasm-key-manager');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const seed = crypto.randomBytes( 32 );
const hha_id = new Uint8Array([
66, 123, 133, 136, 133, 6, 247, 116,
4, 59, 43, 206, 131, 168, 123, 44,
54, 52, 3, 53, 134, 75, 137, 43,
63, 26, 216, 191, 67, 117, 38, 142
// or derive seed
const seed = deriveSeedFrom( hha_id, "", "Passw0rd!");
const message = "Hello World";
const keys = new KeyManager( seed );
const signature = keys.sign( message );
const verified = keys.verify( message, signature );
const public_key = keys.publicKey();
const verified = KeyManager.verifyWithPublicKey( message, signature, public_key );
.then(m => Object.assign(window, m))
.catch(e => console.error("Error importing `index.js`:", e));
const { KeyManager, deriveSeedFrom } = require("@holo-host/wasm-key-manager");
module.exports = {
module.exports = {
target: "web",
entry: "./bootstrap.js",
// Assign 'module.exports' to the window variable
output: {
libraryTarget: "window",