First Git Project.
Install here:
Or get Cheese Scripting +:
Advanced application for making coding batch easy for windows.
Cheese Scripting uses .bat to run, and has a variety of different commands/tools to make your life easier!
It is recommended to use the Installer for this application.
Commands (will be updated in the future):
?More - Opens other commands.
?Menu - Goes to Menu.
?Help - Shows Commands.
?New - Creates a new project.
?Export - Exports your project to downloads.
?Load - Loads a script.
?Notepad - Opens notepad to current script.
?Tutorial - Advanced comprehensive beginners tutorial to batch.
?Tipsearch - Search for coding tips.
?Folder - Opens Plugins folder.
If you are doing manual installation included with the uninstaller, than name the CheeseScripting.bat
file to Cheese Scripting.bat
This is due to limitations to this application as it is not supported often or at all.