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How to run:

  1. Open Windows Terminal and navigate to the directory with Homework.Api.csproj file (git-repo-location\src\Homework.Api)
    PS C:\GitPrivate\Homework-Notes\src\Homework.Api> dotnet run --environment Development --launch-profile https
  2. Run command: dotnet run --environment Development --launch-profile https

Easy run (Windows)

  1. Run run.cmd script. It will build and run application

Open Swagger

The application will start, and you will be greeted with a message saying which ports the application listens to for HTTP and HTTPS traffic.
Example: https://localhost:7100 or http://localhost:5172

Copy this URL and add "/swagger" at the end if you want to use that. For that, you need to have "--environment Development" specified.
Example: https://localhost:7100/swagger or http://localhost:5172/swagger


Due to the simplicity of this application, I believe that Swagger is enough to document the behavior of this application.
For request schemas, please visit /swagger endpoint in API while running under the Development environment

Here is list of endpoints:

  • POST /notes - Creates a new note with Content from body
  • PUT /notes/{noteId} - Updates note with given noteId with Content from body
  • DELETE /notes/{noteId}- Deletes note with given noteId
  • GET /notes/{noteId} - Retrieves note with given noteId
  • GET /notes/{pageNumber}/{pageSize} - Retrieves paginated list of notes


  • Unit tests are not written for all cases and classes. What is written is for general idea on how I create them.
  • This project could be written as a small, one project with few files as "Minimal API", but I wanted to demonstrate an understanding of design patterns and software architecture.
  • If those were the only and closed requirements for simple service, I would instead write a small, easily maintainable project. No need to overcomplicate simple (and closed) projects.


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