A nbt editor software to edit minecraft binary files. Currently it can be used to edit .dat and .schematic files.
- Windows Portable: http://dl.howaner.de/NBTEditor/latest/NBTEditor.zip
- Windows Installer: http://dl.howaner.de/NBTEditor/latest/NBTEditor.msi
- Ubuntu 16.04 Deb: http://dl.howaner.de/NBTEditor/latest/nbteditor_amd64.deb
The software is written in C++ with the Qt5 framework and Zlib.
apt-get install build-essential qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools cmake zlib1g-dev
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
- Install qt5 developer framework with mingw-32 compiler
- Install cmake
- Compile static zlib library
- Follow linux introductions