*Source code: frontend, backend
Table of Contents
Remember saw some inspiring architecture photos, but have no idea where it is?
Want to share your photos with like-mined people?
Trying to learn more about specific architecture?
Snap App focus on creating a photo sharing platform for people who love architecture. It integrates sharing, navigation, architecture information and tour planning together.
Snap aims to create a community and encourage audience get inspired and live a better life.
Upload a snap and share with others
Pick one snap interests you. See where it is.
Delve into unique architecture around the world. Be inspired.
Explore selected tons of tours. Plan a visit.
- Ideation
- Wireframing
- Design system
- Prototyping
- Build Structure: Pages & Routes
- Build React Components
- Add Google Maps
- Add Authorization
- Build a REST API
- Create Database
- Connect React to Backend
- Add file upload
- Add Authentication and Authorization
- Set up Environment variables for both FE & BE
- API keys & credentials
- Deploy REST API
- Deploy React SPA
- 11/12/2022: RE-deploy REST API using Render; Also some minor fix:
- Add unsupported routes error handling in backend
- Fix footer: year
- Update config files relating new REST API host
- Howie Wang howiewang2020@gmail.com
© Howie Wang
Licensed under the MIT License
- Howie Wang howiewang2020@gmail.com