Alike is a social media platform where innovative minds collaborate and share ideas to create the projects of tomorrow. The platform is deisgned so developers can showcase their projects, share their feedback, and keep up on all the latest technology.
Built by developers - for developers!
To navigate to an individual page via the URL, use the following:
Landing Page:
The API provided several fields of data used for this project:
- All Users:
- All Posts:,
- Single Post:
- axios
- node-fetch
- react
- react-dom
- react-icons
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- cloudinary-react
- sweetalert
- cypress
- @mui/material
- @emotion/styled
- @emotion/react
Established the goal of creating an app to showcase technical projects in a social media environment. We developed a wireframe, outlined component swap on the front-end, agreed on the overall data flow of the project, set data structure with clear models, determined what we needed at a minimum to be released from the back-end to begin testing, set timelines for when we hoped to achieve each state, and reviewed general Git workflow.
Back End (Ron, Nick, Ryan, Vasilis)
- Initialized backend repo
- Project scaffolding and file structure
Front End (Anna, Jose, Ari)
- Initialized frontend repo
- Project scaffolding and file structure
- Created dummy data to run tests
- Develop UI concept
Goal: Working on these items allowed us to get to a point where we could divide work and pair program
Back End (Ron, Nick, Ryan, Vasilis)
- Review and build models
- Register models, set up serializers, build views
- Set up back end routes with rest_framework and paths
- Added some dummy data to back end
- Research Cloudinary media hosting
- Lots of Heroku deployment debugging
Front End (Anna, Ari, Jose)
- Built Components and rendered outlines to page
- Built Screens and set up front end routes
- Refined home page design
- Built likes component
Goal: Get some basic functionality on the page, identify unforseen problems and adjust timeline.
Back End (Ron, Nick, Ryan, Vasilis)
- Researched and worked on JWT User Auth (can return tokens)
- Deployed site and tested creation of posts from front end create panel
- Refactored User models
- Set up Cloudinary API and presets
Front End (Anna, Jose, Ari, Ron)
- Unified the CSS practices throughout
- Started build out of profile page
- Create post, delete button logic built
- Added responsive mobile design
- Route testing
Goal: We worked to ensure the site was in working order with the basic features we wanted to achieve.
Back End (Ron, Ryan, Nick, Vasilis)
- Resolved deployment issues after front end was deployed
- Prioritized key features and refined backend data
- Replaced all dummy data (cat photos) with real project posts
- Created users for all team members
- Added comments throughout code, de-briefed front end team on back end code, added README
Front-End (All)
- Finalized logo
- Reviewed and finalized CSS design across pages for consistency
- Finished profile page, filtered delete buttons based on users
- Added cropping to Cloudinary upload widget
- Deployed on Netlify
Goal: Finalized project and prepared for presenting
Back End (Ron, Ryan, Nick, Vasilis, Alex)
- "Like" Feature into Models and Views
- User Authentication (Knox)
- "Single Post" view set
- Sign-up and Sign-in view set
Front-End (All)
- User Authentication (Knox)
- Included "Like" button
- Refactored Edit and Create Modal
- Refined layout and CSS
- Implemented Search Bar
- Tech News API
Goal: Create a more robust User Experience when using the Alike site. Additionally, refine and implement features that were discussed in the initial planning stages.
Home: User: Post: Posts: Admin:
Snippet of object output:
Within Reach...
- Comment section with "likes"
- Like button that stores which user has clicked
- Admin with superuser powers to create advertised posts and oversee the site
- Pagination for API calls (display ~50 results instead of calling the entire API)
A bit tricky...
- Follow friends' profiles
- Archiving your favorite projects
- Direct messaging between users
- Targeted advertising in the form of posts
Within Reach...
- Pagination
- Adding the relationship for users to follow / friend one another
A bit tricky...
- Make a new table for 'Forums'
- Tracking which user liked which post
- Direct messaging between users
Anna Druzhinina
Argurjana Olloni
Jose Calderon
Ryan Ehrlich (Project Manager)
Vasilis Myrianthopoulos
Ron Lanzilotta
Nick Fasulo
Alex Chang