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Vedrid - Portfolio Project

The app browses Icelandic weather data from This app is only designed for the all green path and is not handling errors that might come up.

Vedrid solution

The project consists of 2 parts, a nextjs react web and a dotnet 7 minimal api.

To launch the project with docker go to the root directory of the project and execute docker compose up that will launch the UI on http://localhost:3000 and the API on http://localhost:5000

Some basic api operations can be seen and interacted with in the following vs code rest client file once the containers are running:


Its probably best to use the Swagger UI to test from http://localhost:5000

The Api Project

The API is separated into 3 projects. API, Business And Resource layers. The API project is a dotnet minimal api project, it's more of a node/express like setup. Its handy when trying to do things fast but it can get a little messy compared to web API. But with a little work its probably possible to clean it up.

We are using dependency Injection in solutions so its easy to unit and resource test. There is a basic resource test project. I did not add a unit test project because i don't have much business logic.

Project Milestones/Features

A priority tasks

  • Setup Documentation
    • Configuration
    • Project Structure
    • External Resources
  • Setup Project boilerplate + repository
    • editorconfig
    • gitignore, dockerignore
    • swagger
    • DockerFiles and compose
  • Research integration endpoint and create a design
  • Implement Resource
  • Implement Service layer
  • Implement Tests
  • Implement API Layer
  • Code cleanup/refactoring

B priority tasks

  • Finish the react client so that is fetches data from the api
  • API sentry logging
  • API Healthcheck
  • AWS Deployment
  • Github Actions build
  • Test Mini profiler.

Tools resource

To start i would like to say the documentation from could be better. We can't get a list of ids from a web service call, we have to scrape or manually get ids from the website. But we will write some documentation here on what we discover about the resource and how we are going to use it.

The Request

How are we going to get the data we want? We have a few options. We start with a basic request and then we want to add maybe 1 or 2 optional parameters to get different results from the service.

Check out the http vscode rest client file to test the endpoint yourself: veduris.http

BasePath with required parameters:;422


Ids - weather station ids

Parameter to add to path &ids=1;422;2642

Source data:

Since we can cant get a list of ids we will just list a few popular places.

ID Description
1 Reykjavík
2642 Ísafjörður
422 Akureyri
571 Egilsstaðir
5544 Höfn í Hornafirði


Parameter to add to path &lang=is

Language is is for icelandic or en english.

Type - forcast type

Parameter to add to path &type=forec

What type of forecast does the user want? we will only use forc. changing type we change the return object completely.

Type Description
obs Veðurathuganir
forec Sjálfvirkar veðurspár
txt Textaspár og lýsingar
forec-info Upplýsingar um ve

Time (optional) - how many hours to predict

Parameter to added to path &time=1h

Time between measurements is always in hours. For automatic measurements 1h is common. Fer manned posts its more likely to jump every 3h.

Default value = "1h"

Params - what data to show

Here we can filter all kinds of parameters we want returned to us. Not every parameter is returned for every type.

Tákn Mælistærð og eining
F Vindhraði (m/s)
FX Mesti vindhraði (m/s)
FG Mesta vindhviða (m/s)
D Vindstefna (sjá lista af skammstöfunum aftar í skjalinu)
T Hiti (°C)
W Veðurlýsing (sjá lista af lýsingum aftar í skjalinu)
V Skyggni (km)
N Skýjahula (%)
P Loftþrýstingur (hPa)
RH Rakastig (%)
SNC Lýsing á snjó
SND Snjódýpt (cm)
SED Sjólag
RTE Vegahiti (°C)
TD Daggarmark (°C)
R Uppsöfnuð úrkoma (mm / klst) úr sjálfvirkum mælum.

Weather Description(W) values

Mögulegar veðurlýsingar í veðurathugunum og veðurspám.

Á íslensku Á ensku
Heiðskírt Clear sky
Léttskýjað Partly cloudy
Skýjað Cloudy
Alskýjað Overcast
Lítils háttar rigning Light rain
Rigning Rain
Lítils háttar slydda Light sleet
Slydda Sleet
Lítils háttar snjókoma Light snow
Snjókoma Snow
Skúrir Rain showers
Slydduél Sleet showers
Snjóél Snow showers
Skýstrókar Dust devil
Moldrok Dust storm
Skafrenningur Blowing snow
Þoka Fog
Lítils háttar súld Light drizzle
Súld Drizzle
Frostrigning Freezing rain
Hagl Hail
Lítils háttar þrumuveður Light thunder
Þrumuveður Thunder

The Response

What data are we going to be displaying?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <station id="1"  valid="1">
    <atime>2023-11-14 06:00:00</atime>
      <ftime>2023-11-14 07:00:00</ftime>
      <ftime>2023-11-14 08:00:00</ftime>

Api Design

Vedrid API documentation

Get list of forecasts


GET /forecasts?ids={ids:all}&time={time:1}&lang={lang:is}

curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' http://localhost:5000/forecasts


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 12:36:30 GMT
Status: 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2

            "id": 1,
            "name": "Reykjavík",
            "fromTime","2023-11-14 06:00:00"
                    "time": "2023-11-14 08:00:00"
                    "temperature": 5,
                    "windSpeed": 9,
                    "windDirection": "East"
                    "weatherDescription": "Cloudy"

Get list of Weather stations


GET /weatherstations

curl -i -H 'Accept: application/json' http://localhost:5000/weatherstations


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 12:36:30 GMT
Status: 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2

            "id": 1,
            "name": "Reykjavík"

Project build notes and references

Generate class from XML

As described here creating a class from an xml document is easy.

Visual studio installation is required. It's easiest to install the community version. OR you might have it and need to add the correct folder to environmental path

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\{version}\bin\NETFX {version} Tools\

We first create an XSD definition: c:\path> xsd ExampleResponse.xml

Then we create the class: c:\path> xsd ExampleResponse.xsd /classes

Parse xml string to object

Using dotnet http client

Adding swagger to minimal api