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TvDbSharper is fully featured modern REST client for the TheTVDB API v4


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TvDbSharper is fully featured modern REST client for the TheTVDB API v3

Last API compatibility check: 09-05-2021

NuGet Build status

How to install

dotnet add package TvDbSharper

The client

There is one client you need to know about:

var client = new TvDbClient();


ITvDbClient client = new TvDbClient();


Before you do anything else you need to authenticate yourself.

Then you can use the client like this:

await client.Authentication.AuthenticateAsync("ApiKey", "Username", "UserKey");

The session expires after 24 hours, but you can refresh that period by calling RefreshTokenAsync

await client.Authentication.RefreshTokenAsync();


Let's say that you need to get information about a specific show. Doctor Who. You can do it like this:

var response = await client.Series.GetAsync(78804);

Console.WriteLine(response.Data.SeriesName); //Doctor Who (2005)
Console.WriteLine(response.Data.Network); //BBC One
Console.WriteLine(response.Data.ImdbId); //tt0436992

If you want to get the episodes of a show... here the REST API shows its shortcomings. You can't do that on one line. You have to do multiple calls, because it's paginated at 100 records per page.

The code looks something like this:

const int SeriesId = 78804;

var tasks = new List<Task<TvDbResponse<BasicEpisode[]>>>();

var firstResponse = await client.Series.GetEpisodesAsync(SeriesId, 1);

for (int i = 2; i <= firstResponse.Links.Last; i++)
    tasks.Add(client.Series.GetEpisodesAsync(SeriesId, i));

var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

var episodes = firstResponse.Data.Concat(results.SelectMany(x => x.Data));

Console.WriteLine(episodes.Count()); //263

To get all of the actors for a given show, you can do this:

var response = await client.Series.GetActorsAsync(78804);

var theBestDoctor = response.Data.First();

Console.WriteLine(theBestDoctor.Name); //David Tennant
Console.WriteLine(theBestDoctor.Role); //10 (Tenth Doctor)


If you want to search for a show you have a few options. You can search by name, imdb ID or zap2it ID

Here is an example imdb search:

var response = await client.Search.SearchSeriesByImdbIdAsync("tt0436992");

var result = response.Data.First(); // We know there is only one

Console.WriteLine(result.SeriesName); //Doctor Who (2005)
Console.WriteLine(result.Network); //BBC One
Console.WriteLine(result.Id); //78804

and now that we know the show ID we can do other things with it.


If you want to get all of the shows that have been updated in a time interval you can do it like this:

var response = await client.Updates.GetAsync(new DateTime(2016, 10, 1), new DateTime(2016, 10, 5));

Update[] updates = response.Data;

var update = updates.First();

Console.WriteLine(update.Id); //76264
Console.WriteLine(update.LastUpdated.ToDateTime().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); //10/01/2016 00:02:21

If the interval is wider that 7 days it will be reduced to 7 days.

Working with languages

You can get all available languages like that:

var response = await client.Languages.GetAllAsync();

Language[] languages = response.Data;

If you want to get details for a specific language, you can do it like that:

var response = await client.Languages.GetAsync(14);

Console.WriteLine(response.Data.EnglishName); //German
Console.WriteLine(response.Data.Abbreviation); //de

If you want to change the language that the client is working with, you can do it using the language abbreviation like this:

client.AcceptedLanguage = "de";

Everything else

This client supports all of the functionality of the REST API and I can't list every single method here. You can explore that yourself or read the REST API documentation provided by here

You will find equivalent method for every single route there.