Table of Contents
This is a wrapper for Binance API implemented in cpp for most endpoints.
Implemented API endpoints:
- Wallet Endpoints:
- Market Data Endpoints:
- Websocket Market Streams:
- Spot Account/Trade:
- User Data Streams:
- Savings Endpoints:
- BSwap Endpoints:
- Fiat Endpoints:
The format for each API calls and parameters follows the official Binance API documentation. You can see the parameter's format in its endpoint's corresponding Header and Utils files. All necessary paramters should be provides prior to the API call with the exception of timestamp
, which will be the system clock time if not provided.
- Boost
- OpenSSL
- Some issues with accessing the Binance API may arise from regional restrictions. Be creative.
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
add src/binance
to your project and include the API wrapper
#include <binance.h>
Binance::Wallet wallet;
json result;
wallet.SetApiKeys("api-key", "secret-key");
// check system status
std::cout << result << std::endl;
// get info of coins that are available for deposit and withdraw for user
WalletAllCoinsParams params;
wallet.AllCoins(params, result);
std::cout << result << std::endl;
Binance::MarketData market;
json result;
market.SetApiKeys("api-key", "secret-key");
// test connectivity to the Rest API
std::cout << result << std::endl;
// current average price for a symbol
MarketSymbolParams params;
params.symbol = "BNBBTC";
market.CurrentAvgPrice(params, result);
std::cout << result << std::endl;
Binance::Savings savings;
json result;
savings.SetApiKeys("api-key", "secret-key");
// get flexible products that are featured and subscribable
SavingsFlexProductsParams params;
params.status = SavingsStatus::SUBSCRIBABLE;
params.featured = "TRUE";
savings.GetFlexProducts(params, result);
std::cout << result << std::endl;
Binance::SpotAccountTrade spot;
json result;
spot.SetApiKeys("api-key", "secret-key");
SpotOrderParams params;
params.symbol = "BTCUSDT";
params.side = OrderSide::BUY;
params.type = OrderType::MARKET;
params.quoteOrderQty = 100;
spot.TestNewOrder(params, result);
std::cout << result << std::endl;
Binance::BinanceWebsocket ws;
// stream individual symbol ticker
ws.StreamSymbolTicker("bnbbtc", [](beast::error_code, json result) -> bool
std::cout << result << std::endl;
// run event loop
Binance::BinanceWebsocket ws;
// access combined streams
std::vector<std::string> streams;
ws.AccessCombinedStreams(streams, [](beast::error_code, json result) -> bool
std::cout << result << std::endl;
// run event loop
Thank you for considering contributing to this Binance API C++ wrapper! Your contributions are greatly appreciated and will help improve the functionality and reliability of this project.
There are two main ways you can contribute:
Add More API Endpoints: If you notice that the wrapper is missing certain Binance API endpoints, you can contribute by adding support for these endpoints. Simply implement the necessary functions and ensure they adhere to the existing coding style.
Add Test Cases: Robust test coverage is essential to maintain the reliability and stability of the wrapper. You can contribute by adding test cases that cover different scenarios and edge cases. Ensure that the tests validate the correctness of the implemented functionality and help prevent regressions.
Fix Bugs: Bugs can sometimes slip through the cracks, and we welcome your help in identifying and fixing them. If you encounter any issues or bugs while using the wrapper, please report them by opening an issue. If you're able to fix the bug, submit a pull request with the necessary changes.
Distributed under Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE
for more information.
Henry -