This is a sample app for the HubSpot client libraries. This app focuses on demonstrating the mechanism (Leaky Bucket) of avoiding of rate limits. It will be useful for you if you don't want to reach rate limit (429 http error).
- The first step is to create a HubSpot developer account. This is where you will create and manage HubSpot apps.
- Next create an app. On the "App info" tab, You will be prompted to fill out some basic information about your app. This includes name, description, logo, etc.
- Copy the .env.template file into a file named .env in the folder of the language you want to use. For example:
cp node/.env.template node/.env
Paste your HubSpot API Key as the value for HUBSPOT_API_KEY in .env
Follow the language instructions on how to run. For example, if you want to run the Node server:
cd node # there's a README in this folder with instructions
npm install