It is still a debug version which fix all the bug in version v1.x.x.
However,it may have some new bugs or errors.
Please report it at Issues to improve and fix the program.
This SoloMiner doesnt request any developing fee and it connect to blockchain api the get details like TxIndex to alternate RPC server.As a result,we dont need to run a bitcoin core in local and we can sent our accept share into your mining pool like ckpool
Go to here to find out the reason and fix it.
Python3.x Go Download
Create your own Bitcoin Address:Bitcoin Core/Electrum etc(Just prepare address that you want to)
First,Download the latest miner from release
- Change the setting
# Mining Address **Change Me**
address = 'xxx'
# Mining Pool
pool = ""
port = 3333
- run the programme like:
- Change the setting
# Mining Address **Change Me**
address = 'xxx'
# Mining Pool
pool = ""
port = 3333
- Run programme
Double click 'main.pyw' to start programme or type in terminal/cmd like :
You can confirm it run in Task Manager(Find the usage of python.exe).
BTW,Windows User can also drag this file into'shell:startup' so that mining will start automaticlly when PC is on
The ways I find out to run this miner on Android and IOS is to run a Linux Terminal on them like Termux & Ish
First,Go to play store and downlaod Termux
Next,open Termux and type:
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install python3
pkg install git
pip3 install requests colorama
git clone
cd PythonMiner
Then,you need to change the wallet in this programme to yours by using nano or vim
# Python Bitcoin Solo Miner
import requests
import socket
## Mining Address **Change Me**
address = 'Change this to your wallet'
pool = ''
port = 7777
After that,You can run the programe like:
Finally,Just input your Bitcoin address an enjoy mining
First,download app ish in appstore and launch it
Next,type to install stuff
apk add python3
apk add git
git clone
cd PythonMiner
Also you need to change the wallet in this programme to yours by using nano or vim
# Python Bitcoin Solo Miner
import requests
import socket
## Mining Address **Change Me**
address = 'Change this to your wallet'
pool = ''
port = 7777
After that type this to run miner
Finally,type in your Bitcoin Address and Enjoy mining
✅Mining with IOS(I already have some ideas to mine on it by using ish
✅Save Address Function
✅Customise Solo Mining pool(Bug Fix)