Elm 0.18
npm -g elm
- Checkout this repo and change to this directory
- run
- open
- Counter.elm. Counter example from the Elm-Architecture guide with reset button
- SimpleList.elm. A simple shopping list without interaction. See Gist for step by step tutorial.
- Grouped.elm. Shows how to group a List.
- InterActiveList.elm. Extended version of SimpleList.elm, where you can check items
- MwstCalculator.elm. Shows hows use input fields and how to convert Strings to Float.
- Currying.elm. Shows how easy it is in ELm to use currying
- Exercises from the Elm for beginners course from James Moore
- tests/Example.elm. Shows how to write unit and fuzzy tests. See elm-community/elm-test
- TimeoutForm.elm. Shows usage of Subscriptions and Time.
- Mult-todos. Shows how to handle multiple todos like List of counters
- Homepage.elm. Simple SPA, that shows how to handle url navigation with elm-lang/navigation
- RandomCoin.elm. Show how to generate random values. See also Elm-Guide
- UuidGenerator.elm. Generate UUID v.4. Seemgold/elm-random-pcg Package mgold/elm-random-pcg Package
see also Elm OpenWeatherMap example application
- Building a Live-Validated Signup Form in Elm
- see webpack usage in Sierpinski triangle in Elm
- JSON-API example
- Websocket example
- Testing
- JavaScript interop