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LilyBot, or Lily, is a multipurpose Discord bot. Lily handles moderation, utility, link filtering, and much, much more. Lily is canonically transfem and uses she/her or it/its pronouns.
If you're looking to add Lily to your server, you don't need any of this and can simply click this link.
If you need additional instruction using up the public instance of Lily, try our usage guide.
If you're looking to set up a development environment for Lily, try our development guide.
- Visit our Buy Me a Coffee page to support the continued development of HyacinthBots projects!
- Join our Discord to watch the development and get support for LilyBot and other HyacinthBots projects!
- Follow us on Twitter
- Email us at
Lily makes use of the following tools and frameworks.
- Kord, the Kotlin API for Discord.
- KordEx, an integrated commands and extensions framework for Kord.
- KordEx's Phishing, PluralKit, Unsafe and Welcome Channel modules.
- MongoDB and KMongo to manage the database.
- Logback, a library that makes logging prettier
- Kotlin Logging, a lightweight logging that wraps SLF4J with kotlin extensions
- Github-API, the API utilized by the GitHub commands
- Shadow Gradle Plugin, a tool which allows us to make a big fatjar containing all dependencies
- detekt, a static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language. This helps us keep our code clean and nicely formatted.
- Doc-generator, our in-house documentation generator for KordEx bots
This repository is open to contributions by the community. If you plan on contributing, please check our Contributor Guidelines.
These days, Lily is primarily developed by NoComment. To discuss development with them, join the Discord linked above.