This is a simple library for converting TextWorld environment (an OpenAI gym) to PDDLGym's.
- TextWorld
For installation
!pip install .
to go. It depends on (and automatically installs) TextWorld and PDDLGym.
First, you may generate your own TextWorld game.
import textworld
from textworld.generator import make_game, compile_game
from textworld.challenges import cooking
options = textworld.GameOptions()
options.seeds = 5611
settings = {
'split': "test",
'recipe_seed': 1234,
'take': True,
'open': True,
'cook': True,
'cut': True,
'go': 6
game = cooking.make(settings, options)
gamefile = compile_game(game)
Or, your can use a given game file.
gamefile = "./demo_games/tw-cooking-test-take+cook+cut+open+go6-JrmLfNyMcErjF6LD.ulx"
Then, you should provide a TextWorld enviornment, specifying some EnvInfos options as follows.
import gym
import textworld.gym
from textworld import EnvInfos
request_infos = EnvInfos(description=True, entities=True, facts=True)
env_id = textworld.gym.register_game(gamefile, request_infos)
env = gym.make(env_id)
obs, infos = env.reset()
Now you are ready to go with TextWorld.
from pddlgym_textworld import TextWorldWrapper
env = TextWorldWrapper(tw_env)
ob, infos = env.reset()
Observation (ob) is in pddlgym.structs.State. You can consider the wrappeed environment as PDDLGym's logical environment.
from pddlgym.structs import Literal, Predicate, Type
#obs, reward, done, debug_info = env.step("go south")
action = Predicate('go/south', 3, [Type('P'), Type('r'), Type('r')])('P', 'bedroom', 'corridor')
obs, reward, done, debug_info = env.step(action)