Releases: IBMStreams/streamsx.inetserver
Releases · IBMStreams/streamsx.inetserver
Release v4.3.4
- Bump jettyVersion 9.4.38.v20210224
- Fix: HTTPTupleInject operator fails when attribute type is unsigned integer. (Issue #46)
Checksums streamsx.inetserver-4.3.4-0bb5e7f-20210324-1601.tgz
md5: 2b9e0a07ad7eeef01f1c6deaa14b7327
sha1: d5d8043e0f3fb2ed6b25abd4fd75ad9e9e2081c0
Release v4.3.3
- Bump jettyVersion from 9.4.18.v20190429 to 9.4.35.v20201120
- moved to toolkit directory
Checksums streamsx.inetserver-4.3.3-100c4d1-20201209-1410.tgz
md5: 5d9ed7c0d45ae7b77bb4a6f4f5171998
sha1: 7942acecc38cdb870b671095c8e34a1ed0c00045
Release 4.3.2
- Globalization support
Checksum streamsx.inetserver-4.3.2-06ed403-20200214-1019.tgz:
MD5 3a6bc935409a902dfe6f46f6ce4a4a44
SHA1 ee4a264b610470e67d97b218e3c2aabdd8efc943
Release 4.3.1
- Fix: Use relative path in all sample index.html files to be able to be used behind proxy
- Fix: Correct timing issue in junit tests
Release 4.3.0
- Enhancement: New parameter 'sslAppConfigName' to get the SSL server key/certificate and the client trust material from Streams application configuration with this name
Release 4.2.0
- Fixed: Operators can not load trustStore file if path is not an absolute one
- Enhancemement: Parameter contextResourceBase is now independent from parameter context
- Enhancemement in description for generation of client certitficate which can be used in a brower
Release 4.1.0
- Enhancement in operator HTTPTupleView: Flexible partition query
- Enhancement in operator HTTPTupleView: new parameter 'partitionBy'
- Enhancement in Servlet Operator: new Parameter 'host'
- Enhancement in operator HTTPTupleInjection: insert the default values
- Correction in operator HTTPTupleView: selection of partition fails if attribute has type boolean
Release 4.0.0
This new release is based on jetty 9.4.18 and has re-designed WebSocket operators.
- Remove target 'setcommitversion' from build.xml - we have now a
- Update jetty server libs to 9.4.18.v20190429
- Sample HTTPTupleInjectAndView is now enabled for secure connections
- Operator HTTPRequestProcess: Corrected and competed parameters and attribute
- Operator HTTPRequestProcess: code cleanup, introduce exception handling in process method and return error responses in such cases
- Operator HTTPRequestProcess: remove parameter statusMessage
- Operator HTTPRequestProcess: Use Async Context instead of deprecated jetty continuation
- Operator HTTPRequestProcess: renaming input attribute names to response...
- Operator HTTPRequestProcess: Ignore WindowMarker and set default for non supplied json response artifacts
- Operator HTTPRequestProcess: Add contextPath attribute to tuple output
- Websocket Operators: Switch implementation from Java-WebSocket to jetty websocket libs
- Fix metrics in HTTPRequestProcess
- Improved documentation
- Samples: Makefiles are now enabled for studio build
- Move junit tests to tests directory
- Integrate junit tests and framework tests into main build.xml test targets
- New Junit Testcases for websocket operators, XMLView, PostBLOB and PostXML
- New Framework Test Cases with HTTPRequestProcess operator attribute checks and runtime tests
- New sample: HTTPXMLView
- Simplified sample RequestProcessTuple
- Removed puzzeling RequestProcessTuple Json Sample
Release v3.0.0
Initial version forked from streams.inet v2.9.6