Last update: 4/13/2021
To fulfill ICPI’s objectives, the HSS - KP Cluster has established the following goals, which are integrated into our workplan:
- Harness external datasets to conduct more in-depth analyses of global health systems
- To enhance our understanding of whether PEPFAR is investing in the right HSS activities
- If possible, explore potential relationships between HSS investments and programmatic results
- To standardize health systems analytics and incorporate them into routine business intelligence products, such as PEFPAR Panorama
- Analysis of recent HRH inventory data to determine PEFPAR’s HRH footprint by cadre, program area, geography, partner/IM etc.
- Analysis of HRH inventory data and/or Expenditure Reporting (ER) data to determine PEFPAR’s spend on HRH by partner/IM, geography, program area; and changes over time (if required).
- Merging and analysis of HRH data from the inventory or from MER together with other program data, at the site, partner/IM, or geographic levels.
- Creation of graphs, maps, or visuals that overlay PEFPAR HRH investment with HIV program targets and/or results.
- All items listed here will also apply to data from the new HRH inventory reporting requirement beginning in Q4 2021
- Analysis of TLD transition based on MER or country-specific data sources
- Analysis of ARV optimization (or dispensing) and viral load suppression, by geography
- Comparison of patients on multi-month dispensing (MMD) vs. associated bottle counts dispensed
- Comparison of total ARV dispensed to total patients on treatment (TX_CURR); and estimated expected dispensing
- Analysis of country-specific laboratory management information systems data, and/or merging and triangulation with MER results and program performance metrics down to the site level
- Creation of laboratory network maps showing either specimen transport or patients or sites in relation to laboratories
- Other maps that depict laboratory characteristics such as distances between reference lab and patient site in relation to turnaround time
- Create visuals of key populations cascade (results cascade, or targets cascade)
- Compare HIV program metrics by KP group
- Comparison of key populations cascade or results vs. cascade in the general population (KP yield vs. gen pop yield; KP linkage vs. gen pop linkage).
Figure: Key Populations target-setting tool showing the aspirational clinical cascade based on KP targets submitted in the data pack, in a hypothetical country.
S/GAC Chairs, PPMs or S/GAC technical advisors, for COP or POART analysis, or as a policy review
Country teams. Inquiries are encouraged for ongoing technical assistance, or for specific events like portfolio reviews, COP presentations, or POART presentations, or in response to S/GAC questions. Inquiries ideally originate from PEPFAR coordinating office (PCO).
Communities of practice (COOP) or short-term-task-teams (ST3) that have analytic questions related to any topics or data covered by the cluster. Potential examples:
- Lab-related analytic requests from the VL COOP
- Visuals on KP PrEP results for either the KP and/or PrEP COOP
- Data alignment recommendations from the HRH ST3 related to HRH cadres