Bugfix Release 0.7.3
Major bugfix release that fixes several critical issues including: experiments that sometimes didn't exit, racing conditions in the FileStorage and MongoObservers and several stdout-capturing problems.
- Feature: support custom experiment base directory (thanks @anibali)
- Feature: added option to pass existing MongoClient to MongoObserver (thanks @rueberger)
- Feature: allow setting the config docstring from named configs
- Feature: added py-cpuinfo as fallback for gathering CPU information (thanks @serv-inc)
- Feature: added support for _log argument in config function
- Bugfix: stacktrace filtering now correctly handles chained exceptions (thanks @kamo-naoyuki)
- Bugfix: resolved issue with stdout capturing sometimes loosing the last few lines
- Bugfix: fixed the overwrite option of MongoObserver
- Bugfix: fixed a problem with the heartbeat sometimes not ending
- Bugfix: fixed an error with running in interactive mode
- Bugfix: added a check for non-unique ingredient paths (thanks @boeddeker)
- Bugfix: fixed several problems with UTF-8 decoding (thanks @LukasDrude, @wjp)
- Bugfix: fixed nesting structure of _config (thanks @boeddeker)
- Bugfix: fixed crash when using git integration with empty repository (thanks @ramon-oliveira)
- Bugfix: fixed a crash with first run using sqlite backend
- Bugfix: fixed several problem with the tests (thanks @thomasjpfan)
- Bugfix: fixed racing condition in FileStorageObserver (thanks @boeddeker)
- Bugfix: fixed problem with overwriting named configs of ingredients (thanks @pimdh)
- Bugfix: removed deprecated call to inspect.getargspec()
- Bugfix: fixed problem with empty dictionaries disappearing from config updates and named configs (thanks @TomVeniat)
- Bugfix: fixed problem with commandline parsing when program name contained spaces
- Bugfix: loglevel option is now taken into account for config related warnings
- Bugfix: properly handle numpy types in metrics logging